Langshan Thread!!!

your driving me crazy
no pictures??? can't wait untill spring
Oh please tell me you turned off the egg turner and took it out! My safety alarms are screaming!!!! What if it gets a foot stuck?
. Or worse gets trapped or crushed or ....... Can you tell I'm the safety monitor of my house?
No, I Refuse to remove the turner or turn it off during a hatch. My reasons? The last hatch that I did that with, all chicks died during hatch. The temperature dropped to 95 and would not stabilize. I also have a staggered hatch with eggs due in 2 weeks. I have never lost a chick in 15 years to getting stuck in a turner. I can see it happening with a metal turner but the plastic ones have large spacing and are not strong enough to severely damage the chick. I can understand the concern though! Thank you!
One of the chicks may have hatched out wonky. Looks like 1 leg is shorter than the other? Looks like a little cockerel so far. It was only able to scoot with it's "small" leg dragging behind. I put it into a coffee mig so that it would have to use both legs to get out. Now it's taking very small steps. Who knows? Might have helped it. Thought it was interesting...
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How come does nobody breed White Langshans? Way back in the day before I stated breeding . I got my chickens from McMurry Hatchery and the surprise chicken(Always a rooster) Was a white Langshan . He turned out to stand about three feet tall at the head and mean as the dickens, But Beautiful. I researched all kinds of breeders .. No white. black yes. I sold his ass for $30.00 because I COULD NOT do anything in the yard without him coming after me. But admired how proud he was . It was so bad I could hear him (free Ranged) thundering across the yard to confront me. I still have scares on my legs. Long story short. I would build a pen in my sheep yard and arm myself with a big stick to raise this white breed. If you know someone who has them. It was just one bird who knows? He came from a hatchery he could have had some issues???
I have white Langshans, this was my first hatch of them. The male is content to stay in the back of the pen and will come near me if I have food. The females are all over you though. The chicks from the breeding will be even more friendly as I intend to work on that with them. The parents were purchased from another person, so I do not know their history. I just knew what I wanted and got it!

The above picture is of a white Langshan chick, freshly hatched.

I've only ever had one bird that has attacked me. He wound up dead soon after and I went to purchase a new bird from Forrest. It was a black cockerel that did it, 1 time. I give 1 time chances, if they do it again, they're soup. That may play a role in how breeders are different from hatcheries. Hatcheries are all about the money, they are only with the birds a limited amount of time and quite honestly, might not care if one out of every 100 birds attacks them. I care immensely if one of my males is showing aggression and cull ruthlessly for it. I'm sure that no other breeder wants a man-fighter in their breeder pens. We spend lots of time with our birds, why should we not be able to enjoy it?
Only two chicks hatched, couldn't tell what happened with the other. It pipped into the air cell, but nothing else. I refuse to help a chick that hasn't at least made a pip into the shell, so it died in the egg. Ah well...I have 15 other eggs in the incubator as we speak. Hopefully this next week I will be able to candle and tell for certain which are going to continue.

Here are some photos of the white chicks now that they're dried off.


There were white Langshans at the Morganton NC show last weekend. I do not care for white in this breed. I prefer that glorious glossy black but the blues appeal to a lot of people so I will probably add those to my pen.
The only white chickens I like are the round bantam Cochins. Cotton balls.

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