Langshan Thread!!!

Thanks everyone! I am a die hard p. Rock guy but these langshans are amazing!
Nobody said you couldn't have both!

NYREDS is a die hard Rhode Island Red fan...yet he's lurking in the Langshan thread and he still has some Modern Games! Even with the one bantam you have, you're more than welcome to chime in on them! After all, they both have the same standard, ones just a smaller version than the other!

I do love the black sheen, I've "luckily" started seeing a subtle black sheen on my darker blue birds. The sheen is only subtle in the sunlight and only on the hackle area, but it gives me hope that the color is becoming stronger. Now, when my whites breed to a black bird, I get a purple sheen on several chicks. Those go the auction.
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With that said i got the body outline fine. But i get lost in whats a good tail and a bad one? I come from a show dog background where outline and type are alot so i fear i dint get past that when looking at fowl
I'd like to say I enjoyed participating in my first chicken show yesterday, but it was a misery. Something in my fast food breakfast did not agree with me and around 10:00 I started to feel sick. Unfortunately coop-out didn't occur until after 4:00 p.m. Spent most of the day in the car trying not to be sick. Still recovering. I really don't like that aspect of a chicken show. Didn't like benched dog shows for the same reason.

On the bright side, my two houdan pullets placed bb/bv and reserve respectively Also pleased to see another Houdan entered. Lovely white polish hen won the class. And best of all, I picked up a lovely trio of black LF Langshans from Wil Hanley. He had a gorgeous pullet win the Asiatic class. Best tail I've ever seen, correct angle and a perfect full inverted U.
Here are two pictures of the VPBA 2013 Asiatic class winner. Sorry they are so poor, they were taken with a cell phone under horrible lighting conditions and a subject that refused to stand still :)

Here are two pictures of the VPBA 2013 Asiatic class winner. Sorry they are so poor, they were taken with a cell phone under horrible lighting conditions and a subject that refused to stand still :)

Is this your bird? I actually am glad to see a photo from behind, shows that tail spread that is so very important!
No. But I now have a trio from the same line
--- she belongs to Wil Hanley and took the class. Beautiful girl. My pictures really don't do her justice. Full, full tail, well balanced and just a stop in your tracks double take kind of chicken (can't remember if she was pullet or hen.) As soon as the weather cooperates and the pullets finish molting, I'll post pics of the trio.
No.  But I now have a trio from the same line  :woot     --- she belongs to Wil Hanley and took the class.  Beautiful girl.  My pictures really don't do her justice.  Full, full tail, well balanced and just a stop in your tracks double take kind of chicken (can't remember if she was pullet or hen.)    As soon as the weather cooperates and the pullets finish molting, I'll post pics of the trio.

Yay! Very happy that you caught up with him and were able to get some nice birds!:clap
Yay! Very happy that you caught up with him and were able to get some nice birds!

You should have made the trip....24 Langshan entries. Mr. Davis donated a nice trio of Bantam Black Langshan to the silent auction (at least I think it was him, or maybe a J. Pinkerton) Hmm, maybe it was Mr. Davis who donated the black tail white Japanese long tails. Some of the details of the day are a bit of a blur.
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You should have made the trip....24 Langshan entries.   Mr. Davis donated a nice trio of Bantam Black Langshan to the silent auction (at least I think it was him, or maybe a J. Pinkerton)  Hmm, maybe it was Mr. Davis who donated the black tail white Japanese long tails.   Some of the details of the day are a bit of a blur. :/  

Very awesome that you had a good time. I couldnt getiing the testing requirements for VA done easily enough to come down. It was too long of a drive to just head down for the day. Enjoy your birds!

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