Langshan Thread!!!

Can you drop me off a beautiful hen on your way to PA? LOL
Are there any books - articles - links or anytihng i should read or check out - to learn more?
Honestly, it depends on what you're after. If you're after the green-sheened, streamlined, bountiful feather-legged females you will want to purchase from a breeder (or if you're lucky again, the auctions!!).

BUT, in order to prepare you for what you need to look for, I'd highly recommend getting a Standard of Perfection (the black and white version works perfectly fine) and brush up on what you need to look for. I'd got to a few poultry shows just to look at them and see the top-placed birds. Maybe even get a chance to talk to the person showing them. You may also be able to judge them against the standard yourself. One of my "fun" things to do is judge the birds myself (without taking them out of the cages because you shouldn't handle another person's bird) and then find out how my placing stacked up against the judge.

If nothing else, the SOP can be a reference guide or good bathroom reading material. Whichever way you want to look at it!
Yes i know - i would like to start with one hen to have and see what it is like to have one around. I was at the ohio nationals here and didnt really saee many at all. Hard to find abreeder who has one nice hen they are willing to part with ...but you never know.
Yes, I completely understand. I like to "hold on" to my females as I'm never sure when something is going to happen to the younger stock. At least then, I've got a back-up. Plus then you get somewhat sentimental after having them for several years.

I've set in my last batch of eggs until I get a hatch on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday. Pretty stoked about that. I'm really hoping for a LARGE hatch on The 28th! Candling this weekend is going to be a blast. Then again, I'm usually allotted 3 eggs that hatch, no matter how many I put in.

Many breeders will sell in pairs in order to get rid of excess males. Is it possible to purchase a pair and do away with the male as dinner?
Thought I'd post a photo of my first cockerel of the year:



No knock-knees here!


Not bad at all. Not the greatest bird, but still not awful. His green sheen is already showing up. His father is a blue Langshan cock and his mother is a white Langshan hen. It was a test breeding to determine if the hen was recessive and to improve size of the white offspring from the F2 breedings.
Nice little cockerel so far

I must admit, I'm really liking the Langshan breed. . . . Not sure my family would ever like seeing them on our property, but I love their extreme appearance and such difference to other breeds.
Well i had thought of that - in my readings they are the only breed that is the triple threat- eggs - meat - and ornamental. That lil guy is adorable.
I have only been in chickens about a year and run a mixed flock of hens only for right now till i decide what large fowl breed i might want to focus on - i have the space but am try ing to take my time - learn - and have different breeds that i like to live with and go from there -
I might have to go the pair route .......yikes
Thanks for your input!
If it's any consolation, Langshans (I only know good ones so forgive me for the generalization) give huge attributes to their offspring. LONG legs, large body, wide head, shorter comb. Usually have darker eyes and feathered legs. Unless you're lucky like me and have a pure Langshan hatch out without leg feathers...

You can just SEE the Langshan influence when you look at them. Kind of like a Silkie, you just know when you look at them what's in there.

So if you get a nice male, you'll get some interesting offspring!

Candled tonight, expecting to see some movement. I was surprised that my 1 egg put in on 1/25 is already hatching. Most of the way through the air cell. The egg from 1/23 is into the air cell also. Yet, another egg that's from the same 1/25 pen is not pipping but is moving around a bit in the egg, no rupture of the air cell/membranes yet. Hopefully by tomorrow morning, I will have my first white Langshan chick hatch out!

Should also have some black x white and a blue x black egg hatch!

Pretty stoked. Don't know why but all of my chicks hatch out 2 or 3 days early. Still don't understand it, but not complaining.
You are killing me!!!! I can't get any hatching eggs until the weather warms up ( below freezing and hatching eggs would go together to well...) You well have to post pictures.

2 white chicks out! They are obviously recessive. There isn't a "hint" of silver to them. If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were outright splash! They hatched out so dark, black actually and have dried off to a beautiful silver color with lots of white and yellow down!

Can't wait to see how they develop! Still have 2 days before the third egg is due!

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