Large Fowl Cochin Thread

I finally have something to share!! Hatched out some eggs from Flchick and got Bluebell, Would like to hear comments about his conformation. He is 9 weeks in these photos. Thanks

Good afternoon! I am fairly new to chickens (3 years in) and LOVING IT! I have recently found cochins and want some LF cochins, but don't know where to go. I have a broody hen now and was thinking I could put some cochin eggs under her and let her do all the work for me. This might not be the right place, but I was wondering if anyone here knew where I could get some LF hatching eggs (LF frizzles would be awesome too!)? I have loved looking at all of your lovely pics and can't wait till I have some of my own to share! Thank you all in advance!
We live in NH....we have not had great luck with our cochin odds....first round of 9 straight run cochins....roosters 7-hens 2.... second round of 9 straight run cochins....roosters 6-hens 3....we thought we had it the other way around....gave 2 HENS away...only to discover ALL the ones we kept except 1 are roosters!!!! They we ALL late bloomers....fooling us into thinking they were hens. I am as okay with it as I can be....just VERY sad that both buffs are roosters. Again, we live in NH....does anyone know of anyone around or near me that has buff cochins that would have a pullet???? I am willing to drive a little ways!!! Please help....anyone!!!
I am sooooooo very excited to be able to say that today we became proud owners of a lovely pair of cochins! I proudly told someone at the swap today that they are grey when she asked about color.... She explained that they are called blue.... Who knew that in the world of chickens, blue means grey! I am so happy we have these little fellas!
You are so going to enjoy your .. blue.. cochins! I adore mine! They have amazing personalities and are such a joy to spend time with. Congratulations and post some pictures when you get a chance
In the first 24 hours these 2 have already won me over whole heartedly! I have been reading all I can on the breed, and continue to love all I learn about them. I was just wondering if anyone has any interesting links to share so I can read more?
I know its silly but Im so proud.. my lf gold barred Cochin youngster 13 weeks old.. has become a big boy..... he offically crowed 3 times.. quite well in fact.. and he has attempted to breed.. now if they will (all my girls) just start laying eggs..

Two of my Black Cochin babies. I'm thinking the first is a roo and the second is a hen. Opinions? Two are like #1 and two are like #2, so I think I have 2 of each. They are about 5-6 weeks old.



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