Lavender Orpington project ....

Mississippifarmboy - I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying the 6th generation and they are looking nice. They certainly have come a long way since the earlier generations.

It is really disappointing to hear so much negativity around the lavenders of any breed. There are a lot of other color varieties that don't look too great, but they are called pure without a second thought and do not take the criticism another color variety does. I guess it's in the eye of the beholder if one feels they look pure or not. As we all know, every breed is made up of multiple breeds so not truly pure if you think about it.

On another subject.....In case anyone wants a copy, The American Orpington Poultry Fanciers now has a Self Blue (Lavender) Standard drawn up. We would be happy to email it to anyone that request it...FREE! However, we are still waiting on APA approval to post it publicly, since parts of it is copyrighted by the APA.
I don't mean to butt in or anything I was just lurking and then read Jims post. Is this the standard standard or the mock up standard to get them accepted? Are you trying to get them accepted as Self Blue (Lavender) or just Self Blue? The Lavender Ameraucana meet is in October and they (we I guess I have some too lol) want to have them accepted as Lavender and the ABC is trying to have them just called Lavender. Is it the same here?
TK, we are not having a qualifying meet yet. The United Orpington Club has not planned having one either at this point. Both clubs will probably have the qualifying meet at the same time so we can gear it towards getting the lavender term accepted with the APA.

I don't know why the above poster would be offering a lavender standard, as he was vehemently opposed to the term lavender in discussion early this year.
ok, so call me lost, but is the term going to be lavender or self-blue?? I lost my lav ameraucana last year to a coyote so the only lav on the property now is a lav orp pair(young, also not sure if they will make it, whole 'nother issue) a lav araucana roo(project
) and some project lav araucana chicks.... I don't want to rehash the whole debate but was curious about the outcome which term to use? thanks
It is a first draft, using the current APA Standard of Perfection as a guide. Since the wording is exact, but from different portions of the SOP, this will most likely be what is eventually accepted. I have requested permission to publicly post this from the APA. Have also sent it to a member of the SOP Revision Committee to see if he thinks this will work. Since we have some nice Orp type splits, we have a vested interest in seeing these accepted in the SOP.

As far as the Self Blue v Lavender debate, lets just all agree not to touch that. Threads have been locked and deleted on numerous forms over this. The current color accepted in the SOP is the term Self Blue.

The AOPF currently has a membership of 28. I can not speak for other breed clubs. Thus far the APA and ABA has denied the use of the term Lavender. Regardless of the terminology, we still need a Standard to breed to. What the AOPF is offering is what is already accepted in the SOP: the Orpington Standard for type and the Self Blue color standard for color. But lets not fight over this. The variety name is not as important as having a Standard to work towards.
Self Blue Orpington Standard

Prepared by the American Orpington Poultry Fanciers.

ECONOMIC QUALITIES: A general purpose fowl for heavy meat production and for eggs. Color of skin, white; color of egg shells, light brown to dark brown.
DISQUALIFICATIONS: Yellow beak, shanks, feet or skin. (See general Disqualifications and Cutting for Defects.)

Cock ……………. 10 lbs. Hen ………… 8 lbs.
Cockerel ………. 8½ lbs. Pullet ……… 7 lbs.
Shape: See the American Standard of Perfection

Orpington Bantams

Shape and color disqualifications the same for the corresponding variety of large Orpingtons. (See General Disqualifications and Cutting for Defects)

Cock...............38 oz. Hen............34 oz.
Cockerel.........34 oz. Pullet.........30 oz.

Shape and color descriptions the same as for the corresponding variety of large.*

Self Blue Orpington

BEAK: Horn
EYES: Dark brown
SHANKS AND TOES: Dark blue, bottom of feet and toes, pinkish white.

PLUMAGE: See description of Self Blue plumage color on page 184 (American Standard of Perfection, 2010 edition). In all sections preference to be given to a medium shade of clear blue, free from lacing, shaftiness, mealiness and messiness, with no contrast in color between any of the sections being desired, the male sex feathers of hackle, back, saddle and wing-bows, carrying a metallic gloss of the same hue as the general plumage and free from green, purple or bronze.

*From the American Poultry Association "American Standard of Perfection" 2010 edition. For the entire Orpington standard please visit- and purchase your copy.

Prepared by the American Orpington Poultry Fanciers.

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