Lavender Orpington Thread

:) You're very welcome. I looked at the female again, enlarging the pic, & I can definitely see the Lavender' translucence' in her color, as I like to call it. She doesn't hav amy of the 'smoky shadow effect' my blue hen has. It was hard to see on my tiny smart phone screen. I actually prefer the darker shade, I think it's very pretty! Do you have their parents, or did you purchase them from a breeder?
Yeah my hubby likes the darker ones too. I do have their parents yes. But my hen has not laid all summer long. :(
I have another set of 8 week old chicks out of them that my bantam cochin hatched and raised.

They have just about out grown her lol
We Purchased two sweeties (yet to be named since we are not sure on their gender) Last Month (We hope this is a pair like we first guessed)

and now we must choose from these
I think there are a couple Lavs, A couple Blues, and a Couple splash orps in there (with a few sex links and polish)
Gonna be a hard decision, can't afford to keep them all


These we're what We wanted when the chicken madness started,
Awwww! I miss having chicks already. (Winter's coming, so none are in our near future.)

Statistically, my hatch was exactly as planned. I wanted a Lavender Orpington hen. I had 4 eggs shipped, 50% hatched, 50% female, so I got my hen.

Here's an update:
Hatched Aprill 22, 2014
Tank: He's big & quiet. I did not plan on keeping him, but the hens could use a little hawk protection. He's staying as long as he doesn't give me a reason to get rid of him. (My last roo had a wonderful personality but was a loud & frequent crower. The neighbors enjoyed him, but my DH did not.) Tank crows 2-6 times in the morning when I let them out & that's about all. (Not 2-6 min, just 2-6 crows.) The only other time he may make noise is if something's wrong.

Cuddles: She's been my dream. No eggs yet, but we enjoy her personality. She a real lap chicken, & I taught her a few tricks. (She's been conditioned to peck at a red chip, so if I add other colors, she only seeks out the red. Then I added white centers with printed words to all the colored chips. Knowing she'll only peck at the red, I ask questions & have her pick my pre-chosen answers.)

Here she is overseeing the coop improvements.
I have three Lavender Orp Roos who are 8-weeks old. I'm planning on keeping one and selling the other two. If I put the three pics on here, do you think you could help me decide? Personality-wise, they're all about the same (we have a flock of 42 chicks at the moment, all straight-run, and need to seriously start thinning them out, unfortunately!)
(Guess I'm wondering what breed standard is for a Lav Orp--one has significantly smoother feather, one has more frizzle-ish feathers....)
I don't know about the standards b/c mine are just pets. I do know that there are American & English bloodlines and each has its own standard. The English Orps are bigger & fluffier. They look like they're wearing fluffy bloomers that touch the ground. The American Orps are smooth and perhaps a little more suited for the temp ranges we have here. I was told mine are a mix with more English bloodlines. I like the extra fluffy & round look. For me it's all about the personality, so it didn't matter. I do know that mine are maturing very, very slowly. The roo didn't crow until 22 weeks. (My last roo started at 8 weeks). My hen is now over months and still not laying.

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