Lavender Orpington Thread

Hello, need one roo and two girls lavender orps.
Need one roo and two girls lavender polish.
Need one roo and two girls spangled orps.
Is that possible?
Looking for Jubilee, White, Cuckoo, Silver Laced and Gold Laced orps. Know anyone?
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Chickenzillas our rooster crowed today, dounded like a very large man clearing his
That's funny. I like the name too.

Our Lav Orp roo (Tank) sounded like Homer Simpson shouting, "Wo Hoooo" his first time.
For a while it was like laughing, "Wo Hoo Hoo Hoooo!"
Now he sounds like a real roo, but thankfully is quiet most of the time.

This guy jumped up and posed for me today :)
He's unnamed still.
My lavender orpingtons hatched! And then there is the yellow.....I'm not sure how it got into my shipped eggs:/
They're cute! Sometimes breeders throw in extras in case some eggs crack during shipping. Strange it's not the same breed. Perhaps you could name it Extra, Bonus, Mistake, Error, etc. You'll probably have as much fun with that one as all the rest. Congrats!

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