Lavender Orpington Thread

Just curious, anyone else have troubles when incubating their lav orps? Everything else hatches fast, clean, the orps hang out until I almost give up then they start trying to hatch, consistently losing 25% just like not strong enough to finish after pipping and half zipped, we've tried to help only a few of those make it.
Just curious, anyone else have troubles when incubating their lav orps? Everything else hatches fast, clean, the orps hang out until I almost give up then they start trying to hatch, consistently losing 25% just like not strong enough to finish after pipping and half zipped, we've tried to help only a few of those make it.

I've only hatched them twice, and not many eggs, but hatched first set, 10 of 14 locked down hatched unassisted, one pipped and died, other 3 never pipped. Second hatch 6 of 6 hatched and were from a pullet from the first hatch. None assisted. Limited experience for what its worth.
Just curious, anyone else have troubles when incubating their lav orps? Everything else hatches fast, clean, the orps hang out until I almost give up then they start trying to hatch, consistently losing 25% just like not strong enough to finish after pipping and half zipped, we've tried to help only a few of those make it.
Could be a inbreeding problem . Try a rooster from another source/bloodline . Even black would work since lavender is black with 2 lavender genes .
Could be a inbreeding problem . Try a rooster from another source/bloodline . Even black would work since lavender is black with 2 lavender genes .

Our first grew out from two different sources, idk. We'll. See with guy. Hoping this big bottomed gal will decide to hatch off a few of her own babes this spring.
Limited experience.
1st try: I got 50% hatch (shipped eggs)
2nd try: 100% hatch - drove 3 hrs to pick up eggs for a total of 6 hr road trip. (It happened to be 10 min from a relative so the "official" reason for the trip was to visit family.) These were lavs & blk/lav splits.

I have also hatched my own flock's eggs. Most of my issues were to to infertility. Some butt-fluff trims took care of that.
Thought I'd share a photo or two of Junior--hope to put him with my three little (ok, big, fluffy
) girls this spring when we finish breeding coop and run.
Thoughts welcome!


here is my Jr. (Boss Jr.) but he is an Isbar mix. He will be head roo one day. He will have 3 pure LO's to play with and a few LO mixes to play with too.
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