Lawnmower vs Rooster GRAPHIC PICS/ Saying Goodbye

You just kinda answered my question in your last post... Will Mr. B want him back? I hope not because it sounds like he has a better home with YOU! I had a roo with NO feet (frost bite) who lived a good and long life. Your right, mating was out of the question, but he took good care of his girls and did everything else a good roo does! Best of luck with this boy!
Mr B actually loves his chickens... baby talks them and has built tons of small pens for when the hawks are running crazy. He is just 91 years old and very (very) old school. "Love this rooster, hope he does ok" and put him in a pen to fight it out on his own. I don't mean to give the impression he isn't a good guy. I just really hope if Kubota makes it I can keep him. I think he probably will let me, anytime I ask him something (can friends park on his lot, can I run my dog on the lot... he planted 5 containers of watermelons for me, got them started good and helped me transplant them) he says for me to do whatever I want to do, I dont' need to ask (I always do).

We had a huge rain storm... I have the cage covered as best I could, and it is in the horsetrailer so hopefully it isn't too wet. My vet opens at 8 and I will be calling to remind them they said they would help me with my chickens

ETA --- can I put an aspirin or soemthing for pain in his water? Or should I just wait until I talk to the vet?
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How nice to hear a positive neighbor story! There aren't enough of them around anymore.

I hope he lets you keep him. You've done them both a great service.
Wow, you're doing a great job and he is a GORGEOUS roo. It sounds like you are doing everything right. I hope he is feeling better soon.
No! Don't give him anything that is not prescribed by the vet. I worked in an animal cliinic for nearly a decade and a half and out of all they types of birds we worked on (hawks, owls, parrots, eagles, chickens, emus, geese, etc) we never gave any type of anti inflammatory to a bird. They are sensitive about that kind of stuff.
Ok.... I am at work until 1am anyway so if he can make it until 1 hopefully he can make it until 8.

When looking at his comb color... what should I be on the look out for? Will it turn pale? Droop? So far, as you can see in pics, it is red and erect. It does have a couple of dark edges / specks... but 99% of it is bright red.
His comb color looked good in the pictures. I have rescued sick/hurt chickens and there combs get darker... i once got a chicken and his whole comb was black. Once i got him vitamins and water and spoiled him with food it went back to red.
No, aspirin is toxic to birds. The avian vet I work for used to use ibuprofen regularly for birds several years ago, but I don't remember the dose so I wouldn't use it without the recommendation from your vet. If they have meloxicam (Meticam) that is a much safer and more effective pain reliever anyway (this is what we use now instead of the ibuprofen).
Hmmm, I've used aspirin and I haven't had any problems. I thought ibupropen and so forths weren't good for chickens? Anyway, he's a real nice chicken, so I hope it all works out.

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