leaves and grass clippings


9 Years
Nov 4, 2014
thought I read something about putting clippings in the pen. so I started doing just that and I see that they are really picking and eating that stuff. is it good for them? or are they finding but and what not.
I think that stuff is great.
I use a coop with earth floor that gets my yard clippings, kitchen waste, wood stove ash and the occasional bale of straw and peat moss.
I'm looking forward to scraping out all of this black gold in the spring.
This will be my 2nd winter with them ,I used cut straw but lately I started with clippings they seem to like it.

I can see the above mention but stove ash....hmmm.
It's a common compost additive and I notice them using it as a dust bath and the larger pieces as grit.
I don't even spread it, just dump in a pile and watch the girls go totally Berserker in it.

Just to be clear... I am working out of ashes that I stockpiled last season. No embers here!!
I also go through the (silly?) trouble of collecting a few my neighbors newspapers to shred along with my leaves.
All of it goes into my Avian compost machine!
Sometime around Feb I will rake it all out and give it several weeks in my compost spinner.
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my hens get our grass clippings and also our neighbor's. They absolutely love getting the lawn mower contents! It's a party every time. I also use it as coop floor covering. It's free and it works!
Looks like I may need a bagger for my riding mower. Never thought about giving my guys clippings. Bet they would love them.

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