Legs again.. ( Monet)


In the Brooder
Aug 5, 2015
So we did wrap Monet's legs for 28 days.. and stopped since it didn't do anything for his TT..but now a new problem has arised since wrapping has made his one good leg.. start to twist towards the inside..

i'm at a complete lose now what to do.. I'm thinking about making some sort of brace for him.. to keep his knees from knocking.. he can still get around, but very gimpy..

i'm looking for pictures of different braces people have made for there Peacocks..for all types of leg disorders.. not TT.. since that didn't work.. anything from splints to keep legs straight from hobbles to what have you.. hit me up guys.. Monet needs help before he goes completely un moveable..I want to be able to prevent it from getting worse at this stage as getting his legs straight at this point might be a lost cause.. even though he is far from done growing..but.. if i can prevent anymore damage then i'm good..

thanks in advance..

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