Letting your inner cheap out

I often throw out stuff like that, well not often but you know.....
I find it kinda amusing at times to see someone trying to SELL something for $2 or $3 - seems to be a HUGE waste of time to me.
I see folks selling old magazines and stuff like that - and it amuses me. I know some folks need every penny, but really!!!!
TIssue box cover would have gotten thrown out here too - I mean where on earth would I SELL something like that... Craigslist? LOL Tissuebox cover $1.50
Not worth it!

PS - today would be the day to dig in my trash!
Threw away a couple of jackets my husbands grandfather wore....... my husband ain't gonna wear them, and goodwill is an hour away - TOO much trouble, just toss them and get them OUT OF MY HAIR!

Thank goodness I'm not the only one. I think it's great people conserve but I just can't be bothered, when I get into a nice hot shower I'm just worried about relaxing,not catching the excess water to lug through the house (probably spilling, slimming and breaking my back on the way) to reuse the water on something else.......... to each his own however I think the ideas are great...... for everyone else!
... people who claim they are living frugally and green...when all they are really doing is free loading of others.

I am frugal...but I think I am generous as well. ...

Happy 4 July to all the dumpster divers

this is a whole different category known as being a Freegan, not Green...the newest hippest thing...people who get almost everything free, recycled or not.
thought i was hearing things when i saw it on the t.v.​
Calamity, you live at close to 7000' elevation. You don't need AC.

When I lived in NM at 7000' I didn't have AC and had a wood burning stove for winter heat and sometimes cooking.

Here, I built my coop extension using salvaged siding and cedar posts I cut on my own property. I am building a fence around the garden and orchard using cedar posts I cut myself. We just ordered a wood burning stove and will use wood from my place. We try and plan all our driving to save trips. Let the chickens forage to try and save on feed costs and for a better quality of life for the birds and better quality meat and eggs.

Even though I don't do well with the heat we are cutting way back on AC use. Bundle up and use a down comforter for those cool winter days and nights.

We're aren't afraid of using discarded items and salvaging things.
Now Dac, We have been hitting the high 80's and even the low 90's with increasing regularity, so there are days I would love to have A/C, instead of feeling like a lizard on a hot rock, after all, my house IS a giant metal box.LOL!! I was sooo glad when the monsoons started a few days ago, especially since I am wearing a wrist brace most of the time. We do have a wood burning stove, and we cut our own firewood every year so we dont have to choose between food and heat. I have Pendeltons that I got at the pawnshop for a song, and we all bundle up in winter. I wish I could have cut my own fence posts, I would have preferred to go with the "stockade" look for my place, but I only have an acre and a half, in a suburban ranch neighborhood, and with my pack of slobbery hounds and the psychotic bird dog of my ex's. if I let the chooks roam, they would be nothing but a pile of feathers in short order.
I have been cooking outside mostly, on the grill, to keep the temps down in the house, otherwise we would be sleeping in the coop and letting the chooks have the house.
Where in New Mexico were you at? My ex has been trying to talk me into selling out and moving there, and I figure that it would be just the same as here, "Poverty with a view", so I dont really want to jump from here to someplace worse.
Best thing I have done, lately--was to quit work and stay home. I wasn't making much after the clothes, lunches, drycleaning and GAS... So now I don't drive my truck but once or twice a month..

Dh and I grow 99% of our fruit and veggies-canning and freezing enough to eat all yr.., 100% of our beef, vension and fresh water fish. I have ten hives of honey bees and sell the honey and use the extras for gifts.

We heat our house with wood cut on our property--it's the downed trees, broken limbs, rotten or diseased trees.
I catch the shower water and reuse to water house plants and outside plants.

I use the clothesline (because I love the way the clothes feel and smell) except when it is freezing or raining..

I buy in bulk when possible. I don't use the AC but dh can't live without it..

I have to admit--I do NOT reuse a towel, washcloth, dishrag or sleep on sheets more than ONE night... I just can't do--I have tired but it makes sick to my stomach
..and I know it's a problem..a waste of natural resources and money but I just can't do it...
My old Whirlpool washer broke down beyond reasonable repair. Time for new washer. Ordered new Energy Star, front loader, LG machine. Much more efficient as to water usage, although needs special HE detergent.

Best part of all is it's a lovely green color...so I have a green "green" machine. Bit more expensive than a top loader, but hope to recoup value soon.
Hey I also did that - I went so far as making my own - all the way down to waterproofing and such! Was fun!

Hey Wildsky, you sound like a real Martha Stewart groupie !!! She'd be so proud of you!
moose hill you don't need that expensive detergent you just need the homemade stuff.
quick someone tell Moose the recipe I can't remember it.

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