Lies Spread Quickly RP

~Ash dipped her head, taking this in curiously. But the young wolf's words seemed contradictory to her manner. Did she really intend to leave or was she bluffing? "I think I'm just passing through," she growled slowly, choosing her words carefully. "But some work in exchange for a meal that doesn't run away doesn't sound too bad for tonight."~

​Tess bowed her head, accepting this. With that, all sense of hostility were gone. She sat before Ash, wrapping her tail neatly around her paws. "You're Ulven?" she asked.

~Ash dipped her head, her mane drooping down, adoring the edge of her neck."Indeed I am," she acknowledged, getting to her paws and giving her long mane a thorough shake. "Which is why I must go fetch my clothes if I'm going to work for Greymane." She whirled around, and looked back at Tess. "I'll be back soon." With that, she thrummed into a lunging sprint and darted up into the shadowed woodlands.~
~Ash dipped her head, her mane drooping down, adoring the edge of her neck."Indeed I am," she acknowledged, getting to her paws and giving her long mane a thorough shake. "Which is why I must go fetch my clothes if I'm going to work for Greymane." She whirled around, and looked back at Tess. "I'll be back soon." With that, she thrummed into a lunging sprint and darted up into the shadowed woodlands.~

Tess watched the female dart through the woods from the way she came. Tess supposed that she could get her clothes too. After some consideration, she decided to Change at the house.
Where was Greymane? she wondered, sniffing around. "Greymane?" she yipped.
​Tess watched the female dart through the woods from the way she came. Tess supposed that she could get her clothes too. After some consideration, she decided to Change at the house.
Where was Greymane? she wondered, sniffing around. "Greymane?" she yipped.

Greymane strolled from behind the bushes, already dressed. "Did you two pups get things worked out? "He asked. "Certainly an interesting turn of events," he commented.
​Tess watched the female dart through the woods from the way she came. Tess supposed that she could get her clothes too. After some consideration, she decided to Change at the house.
Where was Greymane? she wondered, sniffing around. "Greymane?" she yipped.

Greymane strolled from behind the bushes, already dressed. "Did you two pups get things worked out? "He asked. "Certainly an interesting turn of events," he commented.

~Ash flew through the familiar terrain of her terrain, deftly clearing logs and other obstacles. She skidded up to her den, flanks heaving, and trod inside the hollowed trunk. With a low woof of satisfaction, she gathered two deerskin shirts, the halted. Why not just Change here? Sighing with regret, she let her beloved wolf body fall to the ground and her vision flashed a flurry of blinding whites as her body contorted into that of a human. Gasping and twitching, Ash heaved herself up into a sit, rocking on her spindly human legs. Every time it never ceases to exhilarate me. She stood up on wobbly legs and dressed, shaking out her hair as she finished, momentarily forgetting that it was no longer a mane of fur. She gave a low pant of amusement at her own ignorance and sprinted back out into the forest that had raised her, in search of the two Ulvens that may very well prove to the change that life of hers in its entirety.~
~Ash flew through the familiar terrain of her terrain, deftly clearing logs and other obstacles. She skidded up to her den, flanks heaving, and trod inside the hollowed trunk. With a low woof of satisfaction, she gathered two deerskin shirts, the halted. Why not just Change here? Sighing with regret, she let her beloved wolf body fall to the ground and her vision flashed a flurry of blinding whites as her body contorted into that of a human. Gasping and twitching, Ash heaved herself up into a sit, rocking on her spindly human legs. Every time it never ceases to exhilarate me. She stood up on wobbly legs and dressed, shaking out her hair as she finished, momentarily forgetting that it was no longer a mane of fur. She gave a low pant of amusement at her own ignorance and sprinted back out into the forest that had raised her, in search of the two Ulvens that may very well prove to the change that life of hers in its entirety.~
(Garjzla, time to hunt them?)
Greymane strolled from behind the bushes, already dressed. "Did you two pups get things worked out? "He asked. "Certainly an interesting turn of events," he commented.

Tess gave the man a doggy grin. She tilted her head in the direction Ash had bounded off to. (Can they communicate while one is a wolf and the other a human?)
Greymane strolled from behind the bushes, already dressed. "Did you two pups get things worked out? "He asked. "Certainly an interesting turn of events," he commented.

​Tess gave the man a doggy grin. She tilted her head in the direction Ash had bounded off to. (Can they communicate while one is a wolf and the other a human?)

(Jabba, I think we're stuck here because we're unsure of the language barrier.... :bow)
​Tess gave the man a doggy grin. She tilted her head in the direction Ash had bounded off to. (Can they communicate while one is a wolf and the other a human?)

"Looks like we may have another visitor to the homestead," Greymane said with a nod. "I'm going to clean up the field, and get things there finished up."
Greymane turned to walk to the nearby field, tidying up their work and sorting that few sets were left for tomorrow. It was soon time to start animal chores and then dinner cooking, although Greymane was still quite full from that elk.

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