Life on the farm - Updates from Bethel

Here's a few pics of inside. We haven't moved anything but basic furniture necessities yet (sofas, beds and table). No curtains or pictures or personal items. All still at our other home. We wanted to make the repairs to house, floors and painting before filling the house with "stuff".

This is the main entrance hall on first floor and left and right parlors off of it.




This is back of house. Like most old plantation homes, it did not originally contain a kitchen or bathrooms. They were added a few years later, along with electricity.

Oh my goodness that place is stunning! And to think it came with chicken coops and horse stalls too! Just beautiful,,,,I wish you lots of luck and happiness in it. Nice that it found a family that will take care of it's needs. Maintenence is an ongoing thing forever! lol Good Luck, it really is awsome.
Come one - Come all. It's a huge place and just the two of us here - not counting chickens, cats & dogs.

Be forewarned - everyone is telling us it's haunted and how the ghosts have stolen things from them or frightened them. The family cemetary is right outside. We're happy to let locals believe what they want since the maid service told us everyone is scared of this place and no one will come out to steal anything from us - also can't get them to come out here and work either.

Home has had a real past this last 30 years or so since the original family sold it in an estate dispute but maintained the thousands of acres around it. Was owned by a couple of gay guys who threw "scandalous" parties and really added pizzaz to the house (brick walkways, fountains, etc.). Turns out they embezzeled all the money and home had to be turned over to company they stole it from. Then owned by family with 5 small boys till father ran off with high school cheerleader. Then used as brothel/bordello or place where local prostitutes stayed (depending on whose story you listen to).

However, we believe it's blessed and God led us here for a purpose. Angola prison is 20 miles down the road and we plan to offer the home to ministry groups servicing the prison and family members visiting loved ones. We've already taken down the sign by the road that said "Indian Fields Plantation" and are replacing it with one that says "Bethel". It is to be used for God's purposes. There was a prophecy spoken over us that led me to come to this home a month ago and put a note on the door and the owners sold me the home and offered me all of the antiques they had in it. They had never actually lived here, except for a short time after Katrina (they are from New Orleans) but used it for special events. Maybe it was the ghosts that scared them off or maybe it was God - you all come and decide for yourselves.
The stories your home could tell. Think of the children running up the stairs, clacking the hard soles of their shoes on the wooden risers. The love the walls have held within their confines. The controversy, the heated, passionate arguments. Doncha just wish you could travel back in time and witness what those walls have seen and felt?

What a wonderful home!!
That is all very interesting Ruth. What year was the place built? Would love to see a picture of the family cemetary, some might think it is morbid but I love old cemetarys, so much history in them.
I think it is great that you were steered there for a special purpose, it really is gorgeous.
Those gardens are beautiful, wait til it's really spring and you'll be enchanted! You have a lovely home for a lovely purpose, I know you'll be very happy there!

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