
Just getting ready for my new flock to come in a little more than 60 days. I'm in hollis on Rt. 35. Not new to chickens but new to actually having my own. Anyone have any idea where the best retail store to go to for chicken supplies in southern Maine or a little past portland?

You can check out progress as my chicks come along soon on my website.

Dan Viger
Hi from Albany Maine. I am a complete birdaholic. I have 35 chickens, and 20 new quail babies. My meat birds and turkeys will be here next month. I love spring.
Are there any other quail owners out there or anyone who knows anything breeding/housing them. If you do I would love to chat with you. Thanks.
Hey fellow Mainers! I'm new to all this - live is South Portland and have have 6 2 week old chicks. I'm only planning on keeping 3 - a friend of mine who lives in Windham is taking the other 3. My biggest question right now is: given the current age of the chicks and Maine weather... when can they go out side? I was going to keep all the chicks until they were ready to go out, at which time I would give my friend his 3. They are growing fast, and the temp out side isn't rising as quickly as they are. How long do I have to keep these babes indoors?
All chicks need supplemental heat until they're fully feathered. 6 to 8 weeks, but each is different. At that point, they can go into their permanent home and should be fine ( draft free, sheltered, etc, of course). On nice days, you can take them out "supervised" before then, of course-- just keep a good eye on them for signs that they're getting chilled and need to get back to the warm light. Last year, I had mine out at about 3 weeks, but it was also June and July, with warm temps, so I had to be more cautious that they didn't overheat
They love to scratch and forage even when they're just teeny.

Hey fellow Mainers! I was just watching the debate on TV for the Democratic candidates for Governor. The moderator asked each of the four candidates whether they would live in their own house or in Blaine House (the Governor's mansion) if elected. Steve Rowe said he would live in Blaine House and his wife wanted to bring their six chickens with them!! What a great boost that would be for chicken owners in Maine!
Hey Maine. Is there any one from South Portland out there that can tell me about how the processes of getting your building permit went? I've got some chicks in my living room here, and I'd like to make them legal before putting them out side.
I think they deserve being legit. (not worries, they are no where NEAR ready to go out yet - less then 3 weeks old) But I'm kinda nervous about being rejected
(yes, I fear rejection) Worse case senario I would give them to a friend who's town doesn't make such an issue out of these things.
I don't know, any stories out there for me?
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