
So, for anyone whose interested, I went to the city ordinance office and filled out the paper work to get my chickies legal here in South Portland. I don't know why I was so worried! I had to provide a list of materials to be used and present a plan on paper. Because my hen house and pen will be within 20 feet of the property lines I had to get written permission from both of my neighbors, and the were more then happy to give me permission.

This whole operation is actually at my mother-in-laws house (I rent and hence forth can't keep chickens), which I guess is why I have been so worried about it. But the paper work is done, neighbors are on board, and permit fees have been paid! Just waiting for the final approval. I am pleased and relieved to have the process in motion.
Hi , I am from central Maine(near Lincoln), just starting out, getting my 5 Barred Plymouth Rocks Sunday, and my 15 babies are coming wednesday, I am soooo excited. So glad to see other mainers here

Will post Pics soon
We may be on this thread way back in the beginning, but wanted to answer the feed store question. In the Portland area, here are your options:
Blue Seal in Windham
Paris Farmers Union in Portland (Allen Ave/Washington Ave area)
Ames Farm Center in North Yarmouth
Longhorn Supply in Buxton
Tractor Supply in Scarborough

We used to live in South Portland -we're the ones that got the ordinance changed there in 2007- but now we live in Cumberland. We still maintain the SoPoChickens we site at
I remember reading about "Olivia" in the sentry. I'm so glad you all stuck it out and made it possible for us in SoPo. I have visited your web-site and found it very help full! Thank you!
that would be great because then the city of augusta would have to change it's ordinance for chickens to allow six instead of the current 3 (how ridiculous is that in a cold state!!)
I used to have brahmas- sold them, they were nice big birds (ie: they eat alot, grow slowly and the eggs are not any bigger just the expense is)
central mainer here but I think I already checked in. (near albion)
I was so disgusted when I visited. there was one pen of 8 week old chicks with 3 dead and trampled- didn't just die from how flat they were and many didn't have any water. I walked out and would not buy there.
if anyone from southwestern ME is interested in hatching eggs my dh and i are at the York Flea Market at St. Aspinquid Masonic Lodge on Saturdays (weather permitting) and can bring some bantam faverolles eggs if you notify me ahead of time to collect them. i also have a trio of bantam cochins i can collect from if someone is looking for eggs from that breed. just look for the green pop up awning selling tye-dye shirts and other things.

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