
Yep. It took close to 2 weeks. And that was with target practice in his general direction 1 - 2 x/day. (Yep, I'm that bad a shot!) I'll not spend too much time telling you about the afternoon when hubby was holding the gun. I said... there he is... about 10' away from that log. He shot twice, and after the second shot, he commented... "I swear I hit him, and he's still standing there!" Me: "Huh? He darted back into the slash pile." "Hubby, no... there he is, standing about 10' to the left of the log." Me: "Um... the hog was to the right of the log. You shot a curly dock seed head!" Yep, hubby has slain the fatted greens.
No, but they sound like fun. Last fall, after Halloween I found a bin of "decorative squash" on the sidewalk in front of my local Hannaford store. They were selling them for 99 cents each! Some of those squash weighed 20#! An incredible number of different varieties. It was a great way for me to try new varieties without committing to planting them! Found some new favorites! Saved a bunch of the seeds, and it looks like they are breeding true!
Does anyone have these or plan to buy these for next year? I'd like to buy 2 seeds off you. I don't want a whole pouch. I'm starting to become concerned at the amount of seed packets I have squirreled away in the basement.

Overlooked that one when I did my order, growing Winter Lux now but would be interested to try those next year.
I have winter luxury also, althought I didn't plant it this year. Too many seed packets here, too, but no long pie pumpkin.

Sometimes, I plant 5 varieties of winter squash and the hoop house turns into a jungle. This year, I reduced it to 2 varieties and it is still a jungle. The extra room seemed to just make the squash plants grow bigger. It is taking over the melon and cucumber and getting difficult to monitor for nasty squash bugs.
I guess I'll buy a pouch this fall, then. I'll let y'all know if you want 2 seeds.

You'll have to let me know how the pies are with the winter luxury, sounds delicious if you cook it right (whole). The best pie I've made so far was with a hubbard squash.
I guess I'll buy a pouch this fall, then. I'll let y'all know if you want 2 seeds.

You'll have to let me know how the pies are with the winter luxury, sounds delicious if you cook it right (whole). The best pie I've made so far was with a hubbard squash.
Don't bother to send seeds. Send pie. Of all the varieties I bought last fall, the giant blue hubbard was by far the best. I have hubbard growing on my HK mound right now. It's setting fruit like crazy. I have to water it every day b/c I didn't get much soil in the hills. Also have a buttercup setting lots of fruit.

92* here yesterday. Had to mix up some gatorade for the flocks. I can't let them out to range any more b/c we're over-run with hawks. Gave them a couple of hay bales with a pallet on top to make a play house in their run. They are having a blast with it. Jack is calling the spring pullets into the nest box. 1 of them is playing house in the box even though she's only 14 weeks old.
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No hawks here but we are overrun with skunk and get an occasional visit from the fox. The skunk was out last night before the biddies were in bed so I was doing the chores trying to avoid the little jerk in the run. It's fun carrying 5 gallons of water and playing peekaboo with a skunk.

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