
first augusta swap is april 28th and then sanford is the may12th.
that is all the info on swaps that I have right now.
here is a link to that thread.
I have. I asked my mentor & the Ancona folks. I just don't like what they all had to say.

This doesn't feel like a "hobby" farm anymore.
Does anyone know when the Poultry Swaps start up again?
Hi folks, long time no see, I haven't even had time to "lurk" and I'm so amazed at the new improved BYC! We are so glad to see the swaps starting up and may be able to get to some that I've only wanted to get to.

At this point, its highly unlikely that I'll be doing any swaps at Oxford or Lewiston. If anyone wants to take them over, please feel free, the stores love them!!
glad you could drop by spook, hope you are feeling better.

Hi folks, long time no see, I haven't even had time to "lurk" and I'm so amazed at the new improved BYC! We are so glad to see the swaps starting up and may be able to get to some that I've only wanted to get to.

At this point, its highly unlikely that I'll be doing any swaps at Oxford or Lewiston. If anyone wants to take them over, please feel free, the stores love them!!
I just got my new chcikens magazine from hobby farms and they had an article in there on Serama`s.It says Seramas were developed in Malaysia mainly as indoor pets.THEY ARE NOT COLD HARDY.And even indoors they require a 40 to 75 watt heat lamp.Hope this helps you.

Does anyone know how a serama would handle Maine weather? I really want a pair but I don't want to put them in danger.
Well, my broody has got at least one little chickie! She still has 3 more eggs under her... we'll see. It's been 24 hours since this one pipped, so I'm not too optimistic. But the one we got is a cutie!!!! Blue copper maran daddy... who knows what mommy.... it was a light brown egg though.

Hi guys!!! I haven't been on in a while, but I just thought I would check in.
I sold an angora buck, and 2 ducks (khaki and swedish) yesterday!
I am looking for:

•Silver Spangled Hamburg Hens

•Ancona Hens

•Egyptian Fayoumis Hens and Rooster

•Polish Hens And Rooster

•Or any other unique birds

If you have any then let me know I am willing to pay cash!

•I am also looking for any ducks!!

I will most likely be attending the augusta swap on April 28th, and also does anybody have information on the Wilton Swaps, that would be great.

I have some stuff on my website forsale, if you would like to check it out!
I am going to get a few new chicks this year, but I don't know what to get. I have Golden Comets, Leghorns, EE's, Buff Orpington, Australorp, BLRW, Barred Rocks, and some mutts so far. Any suggestions on any other breed to add to my pretty mixed flock ?

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