Mandarin Duck Eggs: Artificial Versus Natural Incubation

Just a quick update...

The first batch of 6 white mandarin eggs are all still developing with about 4-5 days remaining before hatch. 11 of the 13 second batch of regular and white mandarin eggs are developing. My white mandarin hen laid 3 eggs recently, then seemed to stop laying. So I gathered those eggs and set them under a broody cochin hen. As white mandarin ducklings are known to have difficulty starting eating, I have ordered 1000 live feeder mealworms. Mealworms are said to jump-start the mandarins feeding instinct. I plan to upload photos as soon as the first batch of mandarin ducklings hatch.
I candled the first batch of white mandarin eggs last night. One of the mandarin eggs stopped developing this week, so I've got 5 out of 6 still developing. At that time, they were actively pecking against the air cell. So, I anticipate that they will begin to hatch within the next 12 to 48 hours. Wish me luck...
Oh I forgot to update! Both my mandies hatched...100% hatch rate



I hope you get some white mandarins Scott
???? Soooooooooo More, More. Also wondering how these birds are as pets. Do they relate to you at all, are they endearing or just gorgeous to look at? do you clip their wings? Looking forward to your madarin website as I would like to know a lot more about this breed.
Mine are not pets, but they are sort of tame. I can do work in their aviary without them spazzing out. They are more of an ornamental breed to look at. You can find more information on my website if you would like!
Lucas, what were your incubation conditions... temp? humidity? I lost all 6 from the first batch. I've got 12 more due to hatch soon and I dont want to lose them. The first 6 developed the entire time. I could hear them chirping and pecking, but they never pipped and then died.

I don't want to lose these next 12.
Lucas, what were your incubation conditions... temp? humidity? I lost all 6 from the first batch. I've got 12 more due to hatch soon and I dont want to lose them. The first 6 developed the entire time. I could hear them chirping and pecking, but they never pipped and then died.

I don't want to lose these next 12.

First 25 days: 99.5-101 degrees and 50% humidity
Last 3 Days: Same Temp...70% humidity

They all seemed to hatch fine

I hope you can get some to hatch...oh and I hand turn too three times a day!

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