Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

so lovely just love the colour

Oooh I love them too! Where are you located? I'd love to trade some ducklings when mine hatch (this week), if you live close to me (NJ/Pa) and if you wanted to also...

My Mandarin Mama has been sitting on eggs in her favorite nestbox for a month now- this week I started to take pics daily of her thru the hole in the box...Here is what I saw and then the last on eis when she was off her nest for her evening swim and food.

Notice the pip on the egg closest to the date on the pic....that was yesterday about this time...

So I'm getting excited that maybe they're hatching today and could pop out tomorrow?!?
Me? I WISH! nope, I only have Mandarins here, but REALLY WANT WOOD DUCKS TOO!

Here are 2 recent pics of them today...looks like 12 or 13 little heads but they're so hard to count because they won't stop moving! They are so cute!

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Here's a couple new pics of them- there are 13 for sure but 1 was off to the side in this 1st pic. They're so stinkin' cute and tiny! I never tire of looking at them or marveling over their little hopping antics!

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Wow! Congratulations of 13 babies! That is awesome :)

Here are a couple of pics of my pair, hoping to breed this season, fingers crossed :)


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