Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

Congrats. I have my first egg of my hooded-merganser. They start of sometimes with laying the first few this dark and sudenly change to cream colour.

It has been so cold here, I haven't even thought about them mating or laying eggs yet...Will have to check the nestboxes...there could be frozen eggs in them! Yikes!

My Alpha hen (who hatches babies each Spring at least once) is in the nestbox! I was just checking for eggs, and almost fell over when I opened the side of it to see her sitting there! So I don't know if there are eggs under her or she's just there to lay her first...will check again tomorrow.
There are 4 eggs in her nestbox!!! WooHoo!!! Hope she keeps them is 38 out right now and going up to a wet 60 degrees today. I found little pesty Songbird or Starling poop and litter in the other nestbox...I wish I could keep the little birds out of there and then the Mandarins would use that one too...I have 1" netting over the top and they still find their way in somehow...
Ive got 3 mandarin eggs in my incubator, my hen has 4 in her nest so far. The incubator eggs are about day 6 and look to me like they are growing well. Ive read they don't do well in incubators, but can't find much information on why or what to watch for, anyone have experience incubating them that can help? I was hoping to stick them under a broody, but my chickens arent cooperating so i want to give my incubator eggies the best chance of hatching i can!
I have a Mandarin female that lost her mate last year in a cold week...go figure we're in California. But it was right after I got the pair and he didn't seem right from the beginning. I've been trying to find her a mate since we lost him. I tried with the company I got them from and all around the internet, but I can only find people who sell mated pairs. How can I go about getting another male? Does anyone here sell them?
Never shipped....but my daughter was open to finding her a good home (worst case I'm told, by the teenager) . I'd rather do it locally though if we do go that route. We offered her to the local zoo that has mandarins and they didn't want to introduce her to their flock...just in case. But of course our first choice is to find her a mate!

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