Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

Ok, the box is not very tall and the egg is just sitting on top of the hay if I add more there may not be head room, and won't she notice it has been messed with?
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I am sure the hen will manage. I try making the change as unnoticeable as possible. I will sometimes add more hay under the eggs so that is usually no problem.
Ok I will check the nest in a day or 2 and see how it is, I will try to get a picture, I just don't want to deter her.
Well bad news.... I went out to feed my mandarins and noticed the egg laying outside the entrance of the ground box in the pouring rain. I carefully picked it up and placed it back the ground box. Do you think she will continue to lay since somehow the egg was moved? As well as she seemed very agitated for some reason, the others did to. could that have something to due with the egg being moved cause I know the woodie male goes in there some.
Yes mandarin ducks will go broody and hatch their own eggs out as long as you leave the eggs and do not collect them every day. I have never had ducks just quit sitting...mandarins do a good job with the eggs. I am trying to use natural incubation mostly this year since the hatch rates are better and hardly any ducklings die when the mom raises them in a safe area.
yes, but here in europe we can do this but some females get so stressed when you move them from pen that they stop looking after there chiks :(

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