Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

Hi ppl , Paul here. Nice to meet u all. Am sorry it's a little off topic from the first comment .. I am in the process of building my first avery, I plan to house 2x pairs of mandarin ducks. I have the usual requirements pond etc. A few key areas which I am stuck on and could be doing with some much needed opinions are as follows.

* the bottom of the sides /front . (Protection from predators ? What has others used..

* housing materials . Which is best to use ?

* plants / shrubs is there any specific types or best to use ? As was going to put in artificial grass around the pond area.

All help and opinions are greatly welcomed .

Thank you
Hi ppl , Paul here. Nice to meet u all. Am sorry it's a little off topic from the first comment .. I am in the process of building my first avery, I plan to house 2x pairs of mandarin ducks. I have the usual requirements pond etc. A few key areas which I am stuck on and could be doing with some much needed opinions are as follows.

* the bottom of the sides /front . (Protection from predators ? What has others used..

* housing materials . Which is best to use ?

* plants / shrubs is there any specific types or best to use ? As was going to put in artificial grass around the pond area.

All help and opinions are greatly welcomed .

Thank you
Put tin all around the bottom of the pen that will help keep out predators. Evergreens and bamboo are two good ones. Don't put artificial grass in there the birds will try to eat in and that's not good for them. Hope you have good luck with them!! :)
I have used wood 2x8 to go around the bottom and put river gravel around it so dirt is not up against it. I have ornamental grass in mine and they leave it alone eating wise. Everything cajunfowl0 said was good too!
What is everyone's suggestions on what to feed your mandarins,
I feed mine egg layer in spring for the additional calcium and gamebird ration the rest of the time. I always mix BOSS in with the feed daily and throw in some whole corn in the fall and winter. I start all my wild ducklings out on Mazuri waterfowl starter until they are feathered completely out and removed from the brooder.

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