Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

Great pics Kansas!! I want Mandarins so bad! If only pens build themselves..
Well this year i had the unusual happen. After the harsh winter and the passing of one of my drakes i finally received the chance to take out the heat lamps (little bugger wasn't quite right from the beginning and always seemed to stay near it) well then my drake decided he was done for the year and decided to molt (my bad) so the first thing he loses is his gorgeous sail feathers and then starts to loose that beautiful red/green crown of his etc. Then all of a sudden after my hens are done with there eggs he decides that he is going to start breeding again so he regrows his sail feathers (yes! regrow!!) and fill in his crown (its now grey but o well). And another thing, earlier on the Migratory thread i had some questions about the drake who died whose bill got darker before hand and how my current one was doing the same, well turns out he's fine cus now its bright pink again (and he's flirtatious as ever) and the new drake i purchased a while back his bill is now that darker color. So it may be a natural thing or it may not, just have to see.

O and i promise this is the last of the pics for awhile, done taking up space

Like Father

Like Son.

before, note he has no sail feathers and dark bill color

After, picture i took today, note new sail feathers and bright bill color, (looks like he got in a scruffle with all the feathers out of place
Here's what I found in my Mandarin Aviary this morning.

The mother hen is white, and the father is a normal colored split white drake. Who woulda thunk I'd end up with 7 white and 2 normal colored babies? I'm thrilled.
those babies (and mom) are adorable! I do want split Mandies in my aviary someday! Maybe this summer!
wow- what good hatching luck you have! Were they shipped eggs or from your own birds? I want to see pics please!

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