Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

This question may have already been answered, but...
When do mandies typically start laying? Mine are kept in an indoor aviary with a nesting box, but not laying yet. They are about 9 months old.
NJ- just found 6 eggs in our reg Mandy nextbox.

Mine havent layed yet that I know of but anyday now looking at the heavy bottoms. Good deal Waterdog and especially Lisa. I knew you were wanting some bad.
My cape teal and the cubans beat them to the punch this time and started laying yesterday. Now 2 eggs each.Have to check all the boxes tommorrow for sure. Good luck everyone!
Thanks DD!
I sure hope she lays a bunch and does the setting for me (I'll take them near the end like I did the last batch last year...and finish them in the incubator if we get that far.) Ok, as long as I'm hoping, I'll hope for mostly females in this clutch too, since I'm still overrun with males.

They are all so beautigul. It would be hard to say which is nicer.
On my last post pictures are red and black mandarins. The same black male was in the all photos.

There are visual differences in males in the black mutation. Some have darker breasts, and some lighter (without brown). I have a darker males and only to such leave for further reproduction.

I'll show you the pictures. You can see the difference between dark and bright black mandarin breast.

This is a picture of my colleagues from France.

They are all black males,but one normal. For me is more beautiful darker ( that I have).

Peacock are you found the pictures of blond wood ducks?


These are sooo pretty!

My blond and white mandarins - comparisons

blond & white male

Blond male

Blond male

Blond male

Blond male

Blond male, blond female and white female in the background.


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