Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

No. Do not "drop" them. Thats 100% a myth. Just dip their bill in the food a coupla more times. They will come around
Didn't do it. They seem to be eating and drinking just fine without doing the "deed"
I have 2 more eggs in the incubator due tomorrow, hoping they hatch also.
More or less what cskotek ask'd do mandies play well with others and vise versa? My thinking is that well I have a 16x16 6ft high coop built so far its just a peacock and 2 peahens, I have left over cement an was thinking I could get a pair of mandies from a friend make a little pond and couple boxes to liven up this big space but would my peafowl bug the mandies? The pair id be getting are a year and a half old.
Hmm, Someone on CL has some for sale, im still awaiting a price, any ideas of what they will tell me? They also go some cinnamon teal and cape teals and silver and regular wood ducks also canvasback's. I hope hes not going to give me an outrageous price. I love having a variety of ducks and mandarins are gorgeous!
Mandarins $65-76
Canvasback $200
Cinnamon real $75-85
Cape teal$100-125
Regular woods $55-75
Silver wood ducks $350
That is what you can expect. I could be off a little on the cinnamon teal and capes but I think I a am close.
Canvasbacks are hard to raise and remember I you do raise them you need a permit and they need a large amount of water
Mandarins $65-76
Canvasback $200
Cinnamon real $75-85
Cape teal$100-125
Regular woods $55-75
Silver wood ducks $350
That is what you can expect. I could be off a little on the cinnamon teal and capes but I think I a am close.
Canvasbacks are hard to raise and remember I you do raise them you need a permit and they need a large amount of water
Shell shock!.. Ive also found i would need permits for the wood ducks too. And holly prices! 200 and 350 thats crazy! Lol. Maybe in my future I can have them. They would def. be in a supreme cage, with a deadbolt on it. If someone stole it, I think i would hunt them down xD So I better start saving now.. Thanks so much!
Great question! I'm looking at fences for my mandarins for the front yard. Anyone know how high a fence should be for mandarins with clipped wings?

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