Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

I live near Raleigh, North Carolina and will be looking for a few French black copper marans pullets this spring to add to our little flock which includes 2 French marans roosters -a black copper and a blue copper (who are very sweet boys and good buddies, by the way :)
Does anyone know of any breeders that are close to my area?
So the Black Copper lay the darkest eggs? What about the regular cuckoo?

Edit: Disregard. Meyer Hatchery confirms it on their website. :) Thank you for the reply.
Hatchery birds are not going to lay good color eggs from either variety. Cuckoos eggs are not very dark at all... one of the big things that needs to be fixed. When you find DARK cuckoo eggs the birds are sad examples of marans.
my black copper marans lay a chocolate brown colored egg. They are quite beautiful!! (both the birds and the eggs)
Hello everyone, been a long time since I have been on. I have a bunch of personal drama going on which has saddened me. Some of which has caused me to have to find homes for all of my birds. It pains me to go out to the coops and see emptiness and to not hear crowing. Thats why I havent gotten on here. Miss my birds and its hard looking at others. In the process of looking for a new house and selling ours. I have no idea if we will be able to get another place with some land. It could be a long time before Im able to get stock again. Thankfully I had some good breeder friends that took them In so I know they went to good hands. My very special BCM male that I absolutely loved went to a great home. He is now a flock leader of a bunch of girls and is adored by some children. Just real happy about that, as he is just a well behaved boy. Anyway, wish things were different. I wish everyone well and good luck on your endeavors. I will pop in now and again to say hi.

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OK, I agree but for us who would love to have and raise chickens and all other feathered birds should be aloud to do and not have complaint for others, that is how I feel, a lot of places have ordinance that don't allow people to have feathered birds. Thank you.
^ This made me sad.. I hope you get a place you can have them again. I

^^My mom has a couple that should be laying soon. If they are pretty and dark, I plan on buying from the same place as she did. The only reason I was considering the hatchery is because I bought my blue copper from the same person. She's pretty, and she lays brown eggs, but they are no where near dark.

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