March 2017! Hatch with us!

I have 11 beautiful turkey eggs in the incubator. I started them last Saturday. I just candled some today even though I was supposed to wait a few more days and I saw some veining. :-D

Well, reading back a page I see lots of people asked about the eggs and the question was answered.
I was out for a few hours. Time flies when we're hatching.
After this morning's 2nd chick, I checked the nest around 6 p.m. and there was a soggy sweet cute chick that had just zipped and pushed the top off the shell. I wiggled the bottom of the shell just a tiny bit and the chick popped out free! I probably need to be a little less enthusiastic with my wiggling shells...
Since the little one was still soaking wet I quickly put mama hen Mima back on top and let them all do their thing in peace and quiet.
This little peeper is much darker than the first 2 that look alike ( 3/1 and 3/4 morning). I've never seen a chick still wet from hatching so I don't know what s/he will look like when dry.
This "crazy-hatch" keeps getting more bizarre and more interesting (and So Very Precious)!
Well, reading back a page I see lots of people asked about the eggs and the question was answered.
I was out for a few hours. Time flies when we're hatching.
After this morning's 2nd chick, I checked the nest around 6 p.m. and there was a soggy sweet cute chick that had just zipped and pushed the top off the shell. I wiggled the bottom of the shell just a tiny bit and the chick popped out free! I probably need to be a little less enthusiastic with my wiggling shells...
Since the little one was still soaking wet I quickly put mama hen Mima back on top and let them all do their thing in peace and quiet.
This little peeper is much darker than the first 2 that look alike ( 3/1 and 3/4 morning). I've never seen a chick still wet from hatching so I don't know what s/he will look like when dry. 
This "crazy-hatch" keeps getting more bizarre and more interesting (and So Very Precious)!
Yea they look kinda funny when they pop out looks like a wet noodle or something you see in a Chinese restraunt lol
So, after quite a bit of thought, I decided that I would rather raise 55 Flowery Hens than Swedish Flower Hens (jeepers, what is it with me, flowers, and chickens?! :gig
) so, as soon as they hatch I'm going to try to sell the whole clutch (may be a small hatch, may be large - with shipped eggs it's hard to know!) locally - at least Northern Cali or Southern Oregon (we're about an hour and a half from Oregon). So, if you know anyone in those locations, feel free to spread the word. (I'd rather not use Craig List if I can help it.)

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