March 2017! Hatch with us!

Well, I guess I need to join this hatch a long as well. I locked down 11 of the 12 backyard mutt eggs I got from a friend, and 4 of my own silkie eggs. They should hatch Sunday.

I just went a little crazy on Ebay, and got 8 Speckled Sussex, 7 of the 8 shipped Blue Wyandottes (1 was crushed), 6 Barred Rock, 6 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 14 Silkie/Sizzle and I have 15 or more Heritage RIR at the post office - I"m waiting for them to open. I also won a dozen OE/Frizzles on the 24 hour auction that should get here Wed, Thu or Fri. I have a dozen of my silkie or silkie/Mille Fleur eggs to hatch. I have 2 broody hens. I'm going to give my eggs to the broodys, so that I can take care of the shipped ones.

I had to get rid of my silkie rooster, so these are the last of his eggs.

I am going to give 7 of the ebay eggs to my friends classroom to hatch. I gave them 6 of my last shipment and they hatched 4 of 6.

Happy Hatching everyone!
Also, when I open the lid to add more water, all the humidity escapes! Is there any way to avoid that?

I have an LG I use as an overflow.  To add water, get some tubing - I use my fishtank air pump tubes and I use a very large baster.  I scoop up some water, and put the tip of the now full baster, in the air tube and place the tube through the ventilation hole on the incubator.  Direct the water toward the sponge.  I place the tube where I want it, then squirt in the water.

I have also used a plastic medicine syringe on the tubing, but that was too much work.

Good luck.

That tubing is great. I use bendy straws, linked together. They work too. :D

Went out to collect eggs, it's cold today. Right about freezing temps. Had one determined broody last week, so I finally gave her some Serama eggs. Yesterday one of my choc orp hens was in the box, but I didn't feel any eggs under her. Today she is still there, with 4 eggs. So I caved and gave her 2 more. And a little bi%&chy Serama is still in a box too! She won't let me see what's under her yet lol. 3 girls in one of my cochin pens are all sitting together, hopefully they aren't catching the bug too! :barnie
That tubing is great. I use bendy straws, linked together. They work too. :D

Went out to collect eggs, it's cold today. Right about freezing temps. Had one determined broody last week, so I finally gave her some Serama eggs. Yesterday one of my choc orp hens was in the box, but I didn't feel any eggs under her. Today she is still there, with 4 eggs. So I caved and gave her 2 more. And a little bi%&chy Serama is still in a box too! She won't let me see what's under her yet lol. 3 girls in one of my cochin pens are all sitting together, hopefully they aren't catching the bug too! :barnie

I can't, for the life of me, get any of my hens to brood. Send some broody vibes my way!
Also, when I open the lid to add more water, all the humidity escapes! Is there any way to avoid that?

I just open it (I hand turn my eggs) and it always registers really low for about 15 minutes after, then it gradually goes back to normal. The one exception is lock down. I try not to open it and have it very fortified with sponges. If I need to, I can really quickly toss another one in, but I try not to mess with it at all. Once the chicks start hatching, their wet little bodies bump the humidity up naturally!
So my "crazy-hatch" (which is what this event is named now) just had a 2nd little beautiful peep show up! Still unsure who are the parents because I'd given the nest a couple from Zuza (she lives in a different house) and then Peaches (who lives in the same house as Mima the mama broody) started adding to the nest in secret. It's looking more and more like these are from Peaches though since they're hatching in a staggered manner, the same way she started laying her eggs. The first little one hatched March 1 and this one is March 4th! I just know that the chicks are identical so I can guess that they're from the same parents!
Mima is the smartest hen I've ever met!
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Setting my eggs tomorrow! Woohoo! Edit: My colorful layers variety from threelittleblackbirds dotcom (French Black Copper Marans and a variety of Olive Eggers and Easter Eggers) I actually have 14... Two aren't pictured...

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