Martinsburg, WV Chickenstock Sept 8th 2012


9 Years
Jul 3, 2010
When: Sept 8th, 2012 8am - noon
Where: Tractor Supply Co. parking lot 1212 N. Queen St. Martinsburg

What to Bring:
Laying Hens
Started Pairs and Trios
Showy Bantams
Hatching Eggs (no eating eggs unless you are properly certified)
even Bunnies
Farm/Country Crafts

Who will be there: This is a Buy/Sell/Trade event and it is FREE to attend and setup as a vendor. It will be organized by local poultry hobbyists and is open to the public.

Poultry- Out of State- Must be NPIP certified and have forms showing test dates for Pullorum typhoid testing (within 90 days) or forms showing that birds originated from a PT clean flock and all out of state birds must also show negative Avian Influenza testing (within 10 days of sale). Poultry can also travel on Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with these test dates listed as previously mentioned.

Sheep/Goats- All sheep and goats must be Scrapie tagged OR tattooed with registration papers present. If from out of state then must also have Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (health certificate from vet) which is good for 30 days.

Equine- All horses/ponies/donkeys, etc must have a negative Coggins test dated within 1 year. If out of state then must also have Certificate of Veterinary Inspection within 30 days.

In state poultry- can be tested day of Chickenstock or bring their NPIP paperwork showing testing results. (Arrive early - 7am as there may be a line.)

We also ask that no one start selling before 8am So that everyone has the same time to setup and get ready and no one gets offended

If you plan on selling get there early enough to get your birds tested and setup before things get started and don't forget to bring boxes to send your birds home in.

Stay tuned to this thread for more updates as they come in.
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Just got off the phone with the third person today asking if Chickenstock is going to be a "FREE event".

YES! Chickenstock has always been and will continue to be a FREE community event for poultry and farm people. We here at Chicken Junkie and The Poultry Barn work our bums off to get the word out and keep this venue going and improving. The vendors and customers appreciation is thanks enough.

“Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?”
Be assured that this Chickenstock will the the best one EVER!!!

Vendors... please post or message/email what you'll be bringing.
Customers... please post what you are looking for.
See you all at the Martinsburg Chickenstock on Sept 8th!

I have 4 BUFF ORPH's if anyone is interested. They were hatched July 9/10/11th ( I can't remember the exact date, sorry. I am hoping to be off from work, but might be able to have the wife meet up if anyone is looking for some? Let me know. Feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Always been a buyer at these events, 1st time on this side :)

Here is a pick of 2 of my flock, fyi

PIC is of my HENS not the CHICKS!

Be safe~

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Well Chickenstock is getting closer! I just wanted to ask again if anyone would be interested in an Ameraucana Rooster that I hatched from the Chicken Junkies eggs? I have 1 Wheaten and 2 Blue Wheaten, only asking $5.00 each, and need to know they will be bought so I have room for everything I am buying

They sure are pretty. They come from pure Peachick/Kat LaDue line. So, if you want to improve the color of your blue egg layers... these are the Ameraucanas that will do it. I have five of these little roos here too, and only keeping one. Yours have super big muffs!

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