Maryland Poultry Swap & Farmer's Market October 1st 9-3 SHARPSBURG

Our testing clinic doubled in size from last year.. we had 8 groups instead of 4... I know it doesn't sound like much. Last year I thought.. oh no.. but, I guess most folks do these sort of things are already certified.

We saw golden pheasants and ringnecks (they're certified with DNR) We saw columbian wyandotte bantams, GLW LF, BLRW LF, OEGB, bantam cornish that were NICE!! We saw guineas of varying colors and ages, two folks had silkies, swedish ducks, ancona.. and various odds and ends.

check out the facebook for more stuff I have heard that is coming. I am sorry if anyone is majorly PO'd that there is no list this time. I hear of things while I am out feeding on the phone with my boys trying to kill something or each other and I don't write it down.. or I get an email and I am out the door. When it was Chickenstock and we had 10-15 vendors, it wasn't too bad though still kept me updating a lot.. but, now it's just gotten to be a bit too much and I am more on the go now so, .. ya know. I can promise that we really will have a great swap. I know most of the folks that came last year are coming again and we'll have a few more. We also have a few more show breeders though we'll miss April packing heat with her mega silkies.

The word is spreading like wild fire. I am getting lots of hits on the site.. seems like 174 is the magic number.. I have gotten that one several days. BUT, we're getting googled 10 or so times a day which I think is neat. That means there is no ad that they can just click on.. they hear about it and google it and find us. And, those folks are serious about coming. I had nearly 10,000 hits on the website last spring and only 10% of those people came so.. the hits tell me a lot. I am happy a few of you have some stuff leftover from Chickenstock to sell because we'll need all the ammo we can get
Well, I am going to go out on a limb and assume my truck will make the trip. I sure hope so...
I hope to bring my blue/splash laced Wyandottes, blue/splash Wyandottes and Delawares.

@ NGT ANGL: I can bake up some cookies and bring along for the BYC lounge if you'd like. Also, I'd like a name tag - real name is Bobbie. Thanks!

Edited twice for precoffee spelling errors.
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Bobbie - your chickens sound beautiful!! If you would like to bake some cookies, that would be wonderful and I would truly appreciate it! I don't have any grandiose plans for the BYC area - I just thought it would be nice to have a specific area that all of us who are on BYC and attending could meet each other. The people that I have interacted with on BYC have been such a great resource for me and I personally, would like to meet some of you who are going to be there! I will have a nametag waiting for you and I can't wait to meet you!!
Don't worry about the BYC area.. it will be on auto pilot. All of your ideas are great. I have beautiful table cloths leftover from my wedding (it was a tad bit more to buy instead of rent so I got them and use them often:) anyway, I'll put some of those down, make it nice.. we'll have the cookies and waters and place the name tags out so folks can just stop in and grab them. I think it'll be great AND many folks who have never heard of BYC we'll be asking questions and joining on Monday, Oct. 3rd

I've spent days and days under the weather. Hopefully, the new medicine will do the trick. I didn't even load birds for Chickenstock as I just didn't have the energy. However, no matter what I have to load birds for this swap and for the Sales area at Frederick.

I cannot winter over this many birds...I cannot winter over this many birds...I cannot winter over this many birds...
Erin - Your idea sounds GREAT!! Thank you and an even bigger thank you for all that you are doing on behalf of your event! I wish I were closer so that I could help you out more but I will be happy to assist in any way that you might need on the actual day. I just can't wait - I have my heart set on buying a couple of silkies and bantam cochins!! Or whatever else catches my eye..........ha-ha!
Anne Thomas mentioned posting the self certification form for anyone interested in selling. ..this way you can fill it out and have it ready for me on Sat.

Here's the link scroll down to poultry.. or rabbits or goats or whatever you're bringing and click on "self certification form" print it out and fill out. I will also have these forms available for you on Sat.

For anyone interested in showing, either contact Tammy for the entry forms or me. Tell us what breed, sex, cock/cockerel hen/pullet and how many you'll be bringing so we can be sure to have enough cages for you.

If any BYCers who are attending want a printed name badge, please PM me no later than 2:00pm on Wednesday, September 28th please. I will be away from my printer after that and won't be able to print the names on them. I will bring extras with only the BYC logo on them, and a marker so that you can write out your name if you miss me on here though!

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