MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Good luck with the eggs. Do you also use the play doh on your bator?

I took my little injured chick to the vet's office this morning (as they told me to last night, come at 7 in the morning), and the vet that sees chicks was not there and won't be there until this evening. ~sigh~ Frustrating. Poor little thing is so sad to watch.

Still eating and drinking and hopefully when I get off work and take her to vet AGAIN the chicken vet will actually be there. I read the pages on chicken leg issues/injuries and I just don't feel confident enough to diagnose what is wrong. She was fine one minute and then not able to use one leg. (Thanks Sally Sunshine for the links.)


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