MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

I looked at joining hatching with friends but it looked a bit over the top for me. I'll stick with my Aussie thread and she said/ he said.

KC is definitely sitting so I'll give her 8 as I seem to be at 50% fertitlity.

Candled cuddles 6 eggs. Tossed 2. 2 showing good 7 days development and 2 can't tell.
Quote: oh I was trust me!
Hi all!! Hope you don't mind me jumping into this thread with my hatching woes.

Started with 24 Ameraucana eggs that I bought from a local breeder and 5 mixed of our own. Ours did not fair well and I pulled them early. Most of the others seemed to be developing so I left them in the bator. (Styro, circ air, turner)

Day 22 one started to hatch and has been struggling for 72 hours. Helped her finish unzipping around 3 AM ( hope you all can identify) and she is out but not yet walking. Here's hoping she makes it.

All the rest are showing no activity. Candled them all last night (day 25) and I see some fully developed ones. Started to pull the ones that were obviously gone and do post mortems. I am seeing some that look like they died about the second week but I found one that was fully developed and positioned well and died anyway.

That freaked me out so I left the rest in thinking maybe there is still a chance for some of the rest. Am I dreaming? How long should I wait?

Thanks for any help in advance!!
@MyPetChicken Thank you for such a fantastic donation here and all the other HAL contests as well!
Congratulations @jnr005 and thank you @MyPetChicken

Hi all!! Hope you don't mind me jumping into this thread with my hatching woes.

Started with 24 Ameraucana eggs that I bought from a local breeder and 5 mixed of our own. Ours did not fair well and I pulled them early. Most of the others seemed to be developing so I left them in the bator. (Styro, circ air, turner)

Day 22 one started to hatch and has been struggling for 72 hours. Helped her finish unzipping around 3 AM ( hope you all can identify) and she is out but not yet walking. Here's hoping she makes it.

All the rest are showing no activity. Candled them all last night (day 25) and I see some fully developed ones. Started to pull the ones that were obviously gone and do post mortems. I am seeing some that look like they died about the second week but I found one that was fully developed and positioned well and died anyway.

That freaked me out so I left the rest in thinking maybe there is still a chance for some of the rest. Am I dreaming? How long should I wait?

Thanks for any help in advance!!
i would do the float test, what was humidity at for hatching?
Hi all!! Hope you don't mind me jumping into this thread with my hatching woes.

Started with 24 Ameraucana eggs that I bought from a local breeder and 5 mixed of our own. Ours did not fair well and I pulled them early. Most of the others seemed to be developing so I left them in the bator. (Styro, circ air, turner)

Day 22 one started to hatch and has been struggling for 72 hours. Helped her finish unzipping around 3 AM ( hope you all can identify) and she is out but not yet walking. Here's hoping she makes it.

All the rest are showing no activity. Candled them all last night (day 25) and I see some fully developed ones. Started to pull the ones that were obviously gone and do post mortems. I am seeing some that look like they died about the second week but I found one that was fully developed and positioned well and died anyway.

That freaked me out so I left the rest in thinking maybe there is still a chance for some of the rest. Am I dreaming? How long should I wait?

Thanks for any help in advance!!

What was your incubation temp and humidity? Any temp swings during incubation?
Hi all!! Hope you don't mind me jumping into this thread with my hatching woes.

Started with 24 Ameraucana eggs that I bought from a local breeder and 5 mixed of our own. Ours did not fair well and I pulled them early. Most of the others seemed to be developing so I left them in the bator. (Styro, circ air, turner)

Day 22 one started to hatch and has been struggling for 72 hours. Helped her finish unzipping around 3 AM ( hope you all can identify) and she is out but not yet walking. Here's hoping she makes it.

All the rest are showing no activity. Candled them all last night (day 25) and I see some fully developed ones. Started to pull the ones that were obviously gone and do post mortems. I am seeing some that look like they died about the second week but I found one that was fully developed and positioned well and died anyway.

That freaked me out so I left the rest in thinking maybe there is still a chance for some of the rest. Am I dreaming? How long should I wait?

Thanks for any help in advance!!

You need to calibrate your temperature settings for next time, sounds like the incubator has been to cool. It's also possible that your humidity has been to high. If your very lucky a few more might hatch, a cool hatch can go to day 27. Any longer and the chicks starve before hatch.
If the aircells have drawn down properly for hatch they are probably alive, if not then your probably out of luck.

If you can float test that will show if anyone is still alive in the eggs.
Hum average 40-45. Even at that the air cells seemed a little small. Since in the hatcher fluctuating between 60 to 65. Temp was pretty steady at 99.5 to 100F. Had one drop to 98 deg for no more than a few hours one day the day after we moved them to the hatcher. I set in to 100 after that and stayed between 99.5 and 100.
Hum average 40-45. Even at that the air cells seemed a little small. Since in the hatcher fluctuating between 60 to 65. Temp was pretty steady at 99.5 to 100F. Had one drop to 98 deg for no more than a few hours one day the day after we moved them to the hatcher. I set in to 100 after that and stayed between 99.5 and 100.
Usually you try to have your humidity between 30-35% for incubating LF eggs but also keep and eye on the aircells and adjust humidity accordingly.
SJ Plugged everything in for 48 hours before we set the eggs and had an extra thermometer in there. Seemed to stay consistent. I did the float test last night and no activity.

Chaos.... So more towards the "dry incubation" method. It's only my second time doing this and I read about that but it seemed so much lower than the bator instructions, I was concerned about going that low. Should have done my trial run with cheaper eggs...LOL!!!

I am going to start a new batch with my own eggs. I checked the ones we are eating and it looks like they are about 50% fertile. Need to have a chat with Archie the rooster about that.

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