May Hatch-a-long! ~ 6th Annual Cinco de Mayo Hatch-a-long! ~

I was hoping to candle today but I haven't caught my broody off her nest. She usually takes a pretty predictable stretch break in the morning - not today! I am only going to candle once. I guess it won't be today.
Candled today and have nice spider webby eggs---12/12--I'm super pumped!
Im supose to candel my eggs tonight too but I dont want to, Im scared! I made a rookie mistake and had the heat sensor on the outside of the incubator after I candeled them last time they were at 108 degrees for 13 hours I may have cooked them
I dont want to look!
Candled today and have nice spider webby eggs---12/12--I'm super pumped!

I just candled my eggs a few minutes ago. I had 2 infertile but the rest(26 of 28) appear to be developing normally. Interesting to me is my only eggs NOT developing were the cleanest and most fresh, having been laid the 14th and 15th of April. My rooster must have been slacking at his job the week leading up to those eggs. The other 11 or so from that hen are developing normally.

If the are indeed infertile they should still be edible right? I put them i the fridge thinking I can give my dog a nice treat if so. The ones that develop and stop or were fertile I never try that because I imagine they could have or did fail due to bacterial contamination.
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Just candled mine. I am confident in 7 out of 10. Two are clear and another seemed behind developmentally. The rest I can see clear veining and movement. Whoo hooo! These are shipped eggs. All the air cells look good. My hope is to get 3-4 live chicks out of this experiment if I am lucky.

The eggs that I am not confident in, when should I remove them?
I haven't candled yet but I haven't had much luck with my Leghorn eggs and I am relatively certain that the OEGH eggs will not be fertile but I figured I would try. Maybe I will get lucky. I expect to candle tonight or tomorrow.

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