May Hatch-a-Long!

Congrats on a fantastic hatch! They look fantastic.
thank you! I can't stop staring at them... 100% of the time I'm at home lol
Sounds like you did very well with this hatch! After the next 6 hatch, how many more are you setting?

I have 42 chicks (incubator & hatchery combined) and I'm setting 4-5 more under the broody. I'd better not hatch any more.
I'm not sure, probably about a dozen or maybe 2 dozen. depends on how many are laid by my friend's hens! :) sounds like you have a full house too!

Wow! Very nice hatch! Can you tell me what the yellow "shelf" is for? Also, is the red light a flourescent heat bulb? I've never seen a red bulb like that.
The yellow thing is a Brinsea ecoglow, it's a heat panel so the black underside is warm to the touch. The yellow top is warm but not as hot, I cover it in clear contact paper to make the poop easy to clean, and then I put the shelf-liner from the hatcher on the Brinsea for good feet grip.

The red bulb isn't for heat, just for light. I also have a lamp in the room on with a regular white bulb, and windows open, the red one isnt super super bright but supposedly the red color lowers aggression(?) so that's why I use it!
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Love the colors, especially the blues.

thank you!!!
it never gets old does it!

I can hear peeping! Argh the suspense is killing me
I've seen 6 out of the 8 rocking around and can now hear peeping
not long now I hope
can't wait!

We are in the same boat!! Five out of six of mine are rocking and I heard one chirp this morning.

I have to will myself to walk away. Maybe I'll go check out the sale at TSC to distract myself. There are some cute tops on the website.

This morning I have 5 SL and 5 Tolbunt polish. So far so good!
congrats! love tolbunt polish, I want some :)
This hatch is officially done. 5/5 SL Polish and 7/8 Tolbunt. Plus the Polish/Marans egg that I found on the coop floor. It's doing fine too.

As soon as these fluffy butts dry off I can take pictures, then get ready for my next hatch. A dozen Tolbunt eggs are coming my way.
This hatch is officially done.  5/5 SL Polish and 7/8 Tolbunt.  Plus the Polish/Marans egg that I found on the coop floor.  It's doing fine too. 

As soon as these fluffy butts dry off I can take pictures, then get ready for my next hatch.  A dozen Tolbunt eggs are coming my way.  :D

Ha. When I read this I was like "wait! Mine haven't hatched yet!"

Today is day 19 so I'm hoping for peepers in the next day or two!
Finished my Rouen eggs due 5-24. Ended with 5 new fluffs and 3 late death/non pipping eggs. Still puts overall Rouens at 12/16 so far this year. Still 8 in bator for next month. Broody BO decied to sit on a nest duck laid and most likely infertile. Will candle at 1 week and replace with chicken eggs if they are not fertile. She is covering 12 duck eggs w/o an issue. So I can fill her up with chicks.

Next due are my chicken eggs on the 30th. These are semi important to me (1 breed I won't have a rooster for and 1 other will be 4 mo. before I will have a chance to breed them again, pure that is.

I as perplexed on how to keep them sorted at hatch but I went with WLH & MP (Meat project) and the other hatcher is RIR and BSL. Both MP and BSL can have chicks that are barred/BSL colored. Although WLH and MP can both be yellow fluffed the size should be apparent. s well as black leakage in MP from sire.

Also Broody BSL should be due before the 1st. Forgot what day I set them as I meant to swap out but there is good development so I am leaving the 6-8 BYM with her. Hate wasting a chick.

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