Meat chickens - which breed is best?

Connie White

In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 22, 2013
Cedar Bluff, Alabama
Hi everyone, I'm needing some community feedback to see if I got a bad batch of Black Broilers or if they are just a skinnier meat bird. I've raised Cornish Rocks but am now focusing on heritage breeds who can reproduce naturally. I love the Red Ranger (from Cackle hatchery), LOVE my white heritage breed from but my Black Meat boilers (from Ideal) have looked bad (to me) from day 1. They've been in alive, but nothing like my other meat birds - it's been months now and I question that they are even meat birds. So, my question is - are these known for their taste or something? Mine are more like layers vs meats. I separated them from the layers today and their breasts are small - I have 13. I didn't know if I needed to get another breeder or if this is just how the breed is.

Thanks for any help on the breed as I cannot find information on them.

Sorry I can't answer this for you. THough I too am curious. WHat is the white bird that yougot from Sand HIll t oops sand s that you were happy with??
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The White Heritage is the group that is just fantastic from I will order my next group of chicks from them too - I ordered 25, they sent 29, all lived.

I feed all my boilers the same = free range, along with cracked corn, chicken starter, scratch, sometimes gamebird starter/finisher. The Black Boilers don't even have the appetite my others have - my whites and red will run to my car when I come home with feed - I never even see a BB. I've had these for over 7 weeks - there's not one I'd eat right now.
Here's a video from this morning of the Black Boilers - they are only pinned here for a few days as the reacclimate to the new barn area for them - I just put them there last night. otherwise, they've been eating the same thing everyone else has been - and free ranging on plenty of land

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