Meetup at the OH National show 11/09

I'll be there in the cochins and silkies (my son bought silkies from you Laura) he's 5 and will be showing in junior
I look forward to seeing you all there.

I am really excited about Ohio Nationals. This will be the first year that I will show there. We attended 2 years ago. We are showing a call duck, jersey giants, a bourbon red turkey and our Nankins!!!

Since a lot of us are going to be there, and some hens will still be laying......

How 'bout an egg swap, so we don't have to deal with shipped eggs? I don't know how they would fare on a plane, or if they're even allowed, but the drivers could benefit!

I can bring, hens willing, black bantam cochin eggs, as well as Serama.
I want some more Silkies, black or split to lavender.
so, I've never been to one of these things. I don't have any chickens to show, but I'd love to be able to buy a few decent quality chickens. Not show quality, but just really good pet quality. I'm assuming there will be chickens for sale there? do the have an area set up for people to sell stock?

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