Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Lynn - are you getting eggs from your RIR yet? You mentioned you thought she stopped laying. Is she hiding them?
Also, did you get hit with the rain today? We got a ton overnight!
The same day I posted she laid an egg. I have to remember when I want them to lay to post on here. She laid her first double yolker today. Her eggs are always more rounded, so it was the same exact shape but like twice the size, a beautiful egg! I had 5 eggs today! So all of my first Meyer's girls are laying eggs now! Now little Daisy the WR is next, but think she'll be awhile. Small combs and wattles. poor thing is always ganged up on by the big girls. She seems the happiest to see the baby chicks out in the coop. Probably so she can increase her ranking and not be the only one picked on. They'll stay separate for a couple more weeks though.

We did get the down pour, crazy weather, had to drive in it too, not fun

How many eggs are you up to now?
This thing can get you in some real trouble esp if you have it in the house
Ha ha, so true!!!
Is this normal? This chick is 5 weeks old and only has a few feathers.
ahh poor little chick. that is odd, wish I could help, let us know what you find out.
Frizzle update. I think 2/3 may be frizzled instead of the 1/3 that I initially thought. Aren't they cute!!
just too adorable!!!!
I hate how down everyone is on hatchery birds. These are just my pets, I don't show them and I think they are great. Even if they might not be perfect.
Not all of us, you're safe here. I love my hatchery birds and they're perfect enough for me.

My barn comes tomorrow!! I'm so excited!

Poohb I'm glad you got 2 frizzles instead of 1, mine def is a frizzle so all I need now is him to be a roo cause I just added 2 girlfriends for him in my 9/30 order. Is that your silkie roo In your pic? He looks like my nugget!
You guys with your male and female frizzle wants need to trade some chickens.

Yay for the barn tomorrow!!!! Can't wait to see it!!!!
I'm working on learning how to make a perfect omelette. Anyone good at it? Any tricks to pass on? Mine are tasty but not exactly picture perfect yet

The same day I posted she laid an egg. I have to remember when I want them to lay to post on here. She laid her first double yolker today. Her eggs are always more rounded, so it was the same exact shape but like twice the size, a beautiful egg! I had 5 eggs today! So all of my first Meyer's girls are laying eggs now! Now little Daisy the WR is next, but think she'll be awhile. Small combs and wattles. poor thing is always ganged up on by the big girls. She seems the happiest to see the baby chicks out in the coop. Probably so she can increase her ranking and not be the only one picked on. They'll stay separate for a couple more weeks though.

We did get the down pour, crazy weather, had to drive in it too, not fun

How many eggs are you up to now?
OK since it worked for you I'll do it... I only got 4 eggs today. Maybe that means I'll get 6 or 7 tomorrow? I typically am getting 5-6 a day. My BR didn't lay 2 days in a row so maybe she's working on laying a huge one for me tomorrow.
I'm still so surprised how slow to mature my BA's are. I thought they were quicker but I guess not. My girls are 22 weeks and they still don't look like they have full wattles/combs yet.
All my chickens are squatting except for two of my EE's, they both still run from me but Cleo, the clean faced EE, runs too but I know she's laying. She gave a nice large cream egg the past few days.
I can't wait until my blue/white EE, Mrs. Puff, lays. She has been sitting in the nest, squawking like Izzy does when she's about to lay but nothing yet. I do hope she lays a green egg. My egg basket is a bit dull with just all shades of brown and just one green. A new shade of green would be nice.

I thought my CM, Junior, was laying but now I'm not to sure. Her wattles and comb look like they grew overnight. She has been sitting on the poop board like it's a nest and if any chickens get near her she pecks them till they leave. She also squats and sings the egg song but I haven't caught her laying an egg yet. Not sure what's up with her.

Poor Daisy. It will be nice for her to have some new friends more her 'speed'. Hopefully they let her join their flock.
Well folks, think I may have gotten a roo
... See what ya'll think. Have it posted on the NC thread too...This is the SL Cochin from our April 22 shipment, so she is 22 weeks. She stands taller than anyone else and has larger/brighter waddles/comb. Does still cluck and hasn't shown any lovin interest in anyone else.

Comparison with Cinnamon queen (same hatch date)

Comparison with Faverolle (same hatch date)
Well folks, think I may have gotten a roo
... See what ya'll think. Have it posted on the NC thread too...This is the SL Cochin from our April 22 shipment, so she is 22 weeks. She stands taller than anyone else and has larger/brighter waddles/comb. Does still cluck and hasn't shown any lovin interest in anyone else.

My White Cochin doesn't have a comb this big at 22 weeks and she's laying eggs! So my very limited/uneducated guess is yes, roo.
But if you got her/him as a chick on 4/22 then she/he is only 16 weeks and if that's the age then that may not be good. was that a typo or is she 22 weeks?
My White Cochin doesn't have a comb this big at 22 weeks and she's laying eggs! So my very limited/uneducated guess is yes, roo.
But if you got her/him as a chick on 4/22 then she/he is only 16 weeks and if that's the age then that may not be good. was that a typo or is she 22 weeks?
Yup, got carried away with the #2. 16 weeks is correct. Our Blue Cochin is smaller and has a much paler and smaller comb/waddle. None of the girls are laying yet much yet squatting. Just not sure about this one. My mind says roo but my heart is screaming Nooooooooooo and I am trying to deny it.
Yes, that's a young man. The silver and gold laced birds usually show a black neck / patchy colored shoulder effect at that age, while the girls will be more evenly laced.

In regards to the mostly-not-feathered chick, I followed a thread about a chick with a similar condition a year or two ago. It took that bird almost a year to feather in if I'm remembering correctly. I'll see if I can find it. :)
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The one I was thinking about was a slow feathering cockerel who was also very small for his age:

Another I subscribed to was a pullet that took 8 months to feather in completely:

I don't know if they'll be of any help to read about, but they're kind of interesting. :lol: But yeah, there is hope that your bird will feather out just fine, if slowly.
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Yes that's my rooster. I'm hoping for at least one of these frizzles to be a hen so I can try to get some sizzles!

We want sizzles too but we are most excited for polish/frizzles (not sure what they are called) but we only have polish females so we are hoping for a male. Plus I added a blue & buff polish to my 9/30 order for my polish/frizzles. But if we get a hen I want to use nugget & my blue/ black splash silkie Bruno for the sizzles. Have you named anyone yet?
I def will post pics! I'm not sure what time they are coming yet, I hope early cause hubby and I are sup to be going out tomorrow afternoon & we haven't been out in forever it seems like.

All 3 roosters are crowing now and all 3 decided last night at about 1am when I went to check on everyone they were gonna let everyone know how they felt about being woken up. That barn couldn't come at a better time!!

I have a question for the EE owners. Heather doesn't really have puffy cheeks from what I can tell does that mean she won't have the beard? I'll try and post a picture of her tomorrow so you can see. Maybe I'm just blind and really can't see them..
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