Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Glad your corgi baby is ok. How scary!!

Here are my girls..I can't believe it's been almost two weeks!

The two BCM and one of the BO chicks are new :) got them last weds. Lol now that the BO is here we've figured out that's what breed mango is too cause they are identical. Now we can't tell mango and marigold apart

They are so cute!!!!!
if you can find a dog store that sells more natural products that are locally produced you can give him things like tendons and other cow parts that they dry for dogs. Our dog goes through the other stuff really fast too.

Edited to add: Here is the place that I get our dog treats from

You may have similar stores in your area too that specialize in more natural stuff but I wanted to post the link to give you an idea about the tendons and other weird dog chews they have.
Love that dog treat site. I will def. be ordering from them. Looks like good prices compared to my stores.

Antlers are big dog chews around here, but they are expensive to buy, great thing if you know someone that hunts.
I buy pig skin chews, haven't checked where they come from but I'll definitely be doing that. One of our dogs is allergic to beef so we have to be careful what treats/chew toys we buy.

We have a pet store in town that I haven't even been to yet. We drove by it tonight for the first time at night and could see into the store, it's much larger than I thought. I'll be stopping by soon to check it out. I hope they have more natural/local products.
Yes, I've seen the antlers, very pricey. And I wasn't sure if he would want to chew on those since they don't have a flavor. We do have a friend that hunts ... I'll have to see if he ever gets extra antlers. LOL.

Glad your corgi baby is ok. How scary!!

Here are my girls..I can't believe it's been almost two weeks!

The two BCM and one of the BO chicks are new
got them last weds. Lol now that the BO is here we've figured out that's what breed mango is too cause they are identical. Now we can't tell mango and marigold apart
So cute!!

Believe it or not and even though some people (myself included) think its strange, we brush their teeth. We use the little finger tip brush, canine toothpaste and a quick brush along the sides between the teeth and cheek. The secret is not to actually try to brush their teeth like humans do (though that helps some) but to get the toothpaste spread enought that they can't just swallow it. It is the enzymes in the toothpast that do all the work on their own. For chewing things we have a few hard rubber balls that were made in USA we got at PetSmart and various really large shank bones that are really hard. Even our Anatolian can only chip away at them and they tend to chip off in smooth pieces with no sharp points. That and their favorite chew toy...anything else they can fit in their mouth.
I still have the little finger tip brush I used on him when he was a pup. I'll have to get the toothpaste and start doing it again. He doesn't chew on balls... have all sorts and they just sit here. He's a funny dog.... more cat like at times. And we've called him a gentleman since he was 1. Very subdued personality, doesn't jump on people or furniture, no invisible or physical fence and doesn't go anywhere.... ever. We're very spoiled by his good behavior. Not the smartest pup but very obedient. We're thinking of getting another one in the spring!!

@NotableNancy I think any kind of poisoning would take longer to show, but who knows. I suppose it's possible for something to display signs quickly and pass through quickly too. Last year when I was trying to grow meal worms instead of buying dried ones, I was having trouble with the bedding getting moldy. That didn't stop my Doberman from eating that and the worms. It took a few hours for him to display signs of poisoning from the mold. That was very scary and an expensive vet visit. Either way, I'm glad your little cutie is doing well.
I guess we'll never know but I will walk the property today to make sure there's nothing obvious he got into. That's why I don't grow meal worms or ferment feed for that matter... afraid of mold. I was going to attempt meal worm farming but we keep our house to cool in the winter to do it so I nixed that idea.
My chicken first aid kit just came in really handy. I didn't even remember how many supplies I had! One of my 14 week olds cut one of her nails somehow. It was bloody and still bleeding a little. I was able to disinfect it and treat it so easily. I love my first aid kit!!
Glad your corgi baby is ok. How scary!!

Here are my girls..I can't believe it's been almost two weeks!

The two BCM and one of the BO chicks are new
got them last weds. Lol now that the BO is here we've figured out that's what breed mango is too cause they are identical. Now we can't tell mango and marigold apart
Adorable little ones. They are growing fast! Love those names too!

Love that dog treat site. I will def. be ordering from them. Looks like good prices compared to my stores.

I still have the little finger tip brush I used on him when he was a pup. I'll have to get the toothpaste and start doing it again. He doesn't chew on balls... have all sorts and they just sit here. He's a funny dog.... more cat like at times. And we've called him a gentleman since he was 1. Very subdued personality, doesn't jump on people or furniture, no invisible or physical fence and doesn't go anywhere.... ever. We're very spoiled by his good behavior. Not the smartest pup but very obedient. We're thinking of getting another one in the spring!!
Full disclosure here: My son married into the family of the owners of the Unleashed Stores in NC. They have I think 4 big stores now and one mall kiosk. My son is a district manager and she's a manager. It is her brother and his wife that own the stores. They've developed quite a following and help with dog and cat issues by helping people switch foods, etc. It seems a lot of people are getting into the idea of healthy stuff for their pets now too. I've tried getting them into the organic chicken feed industry too, but they've not had any luck with that, sadly.

Our dog, Maxie is kind of odd too. She is not too much of a jumper which is good. Being a Chow, she loves the cold weather and starts acting like a puppy again when it is cold outside. Must be that double fur coat that she has on. She is now fenced in and if given the chance would break free and run the neighborhood, she always goes in the road when she does that, so we do our best to keep her in. We can not take her to the park anymore since she thinks that people on bikes or running should be nipped on the ankles. She also seems to think that any truck especially UPS trucks need to be attacked too. She's a sweet dog otherwise and is even good with kids. Although, she scares everyone else. She is a very good protector.

She is not much of a digger either and also does not eat much at all. She won't play with toys either. She will take them from you the first time and then never touch them again. She'd rather chase squirrels and other small creatures.

My chicken first aid kit just came in really handy. I didn't even remember how many supplies I had! One of my 14 week olds cut one of her nails somehow. It was bloody and still bleeding a little. I was able to disinfect it and treat it so easily. I love my first aid kit!!
That's great that you were prepared. Good job!
Sorry.... I've been MIA.... reading but not posting.

Had a close call with my Corgi yesterday... gave him a pigs ear to eat I got from the pet store. As soon as he was finished he got up to walk and it was like he was drunk. He was stumbling, dragging his back legs and then falling down. He would walk a few steps then fall. Then he just collapsed. We thought he was a goner. He couldn't even hold his head up. It was like he was poisoned.
It happened so fast. We put him in his bed and he just laid there with his tongue out. That was about 5:00 Sunday night. By 5:00 tonight he was perfectly normal?!?!
I have no idea what it was but we thought for sure he wasn't going to make it.
Has anyone heard of anything like this happening? He wasn't choking, no blockage and he was completely normal all day until he ate the pigs ear. I'm going to go back where I bought it and tell them about it but you know they won't say/do anything. I just want them to know in case there's something wrong with them.

My little cutie pie...

By the way... no pointy feathers on my OE so I'm guessing girl!
Cute! Scary, glad he's okay! Is that an EE second from the left, gold, black and white? I don't recognize that color combo from your flock.

Here are my girls..I can't believe it's been almost two weeks!

The two BCM and one of the BO chicks are new
got them last weds. Lol now that the BO is here we've figured out that's what breed mango is too cause they are identical. Now we can't tell mango and marigold apart
Cute cute cute! So nice to see little chicks outside in the warm weather. It's in the teens here and the wind is nasty. We had winterized the coop a few weeks ago but I put up four windbreaks around the underside of the coop. Working well but I want to put up plastic around the rest of the run this weekend, trying to convince the husband we should just buy that clear plastic ridged sheet roofing. Just need to create a pitch and one support.
We're supposed to be down to 16 tonight and stay around 30 or below until Friday. We finally warm up again on Saturday. How's everyone else's weather?
I need to get some heavy plastic for our dog door and the coop door. Guess I'll have to unhook the hose to the Chicken fountain before tonight too so it doesn't freeze. I am so not ready for winter yet.
We're supposed to be down to 16 tonight and stay around 30 or below until Friday. We finally warm up again on Saturday. How's everyone else's weather?
I need to get some heavy plastic for our dog door and the coop door. Guess I'll have to unhook the hose to the Chicken fountain before tonight too so it doesn't freeze. I am so not ready for winter yet.
It's 17 here right now, one site says feels like 1 other says "real feel" of -6, low of 9 tonight but high of 34 tomorrow, dipping down again the next two days but yes Saturday should be a nice day to finish up winterizing projects. We also need to put plastic around our chicken door to limit the space where air can blow in. Brrr.

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