Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Can't wait for pics!

I'll be traveling again next week. My daughter (11yo) will be home so hopefully she'll take good care of Amber. We took her outside today and she perked up. She walked around the yard a bit. You could tell she was sore by the way she was walking so gingerly, but it was nice to see her move around. She's starting to get a smell though coming from the area where my friend and husband glued her skin back up. We're flushing it and trying to get the antibacterial ointment in there but I think we may need to soak her in some epsom salt and not worry about that piece of skin coming off. I'm hoping it's just the piece of skin rotting and not the wound getting infected.

On a different note... I know for sure which egg is the BA and which is the BR. There was an egg in the box this morning when I let them out, and then I saw the BR lay hers later in the day.
I still haven't integrated my Meyer girls in with my big boys and girls yet. I have two HUGE Rhode Island Red boys though, and when my little girls stand next to them, the boys are almost 3 times their size. I worry about those two hurting them.
They aren't exactly the nicest to new girls.

Sunni is doing great today. She is pretty much back to her normal self. She can eat scrambled eggs, bread, cracked corn, and moistened crumbles really well on her own, and she is getting better at eating dry crumbles. She still has a very hard time drinking on her own though. She doesn't seem to have very much movement to her tongue anymore, so she has to learn how to eat and drink an entirely different way than she's used to. (Wet Fowl-Pox usually causes permanent damage to a chickens tongue, from what I've read.)

Pipdzipdnreadytogo: They are so beautiful!
Glad Sunni is doing well! "Wet fowl-Pox" sounds awful. How old are your little ones now?
I've actually just started actively integrating them into the flock, but they've been flying over their fence into the big girl flock and haven't had any issues. The big girls seem to ignore them most of the time, except a few that just don't like newcomers.
Po baby got a lesson from one of my Meyer partridge Plymouth Rocks today, but other than that, everything's going smoothly. I'm more paranoid that these girls are going to fly up into a tree and disappear for the night or something.

Speaking of integration, though, here's a bad cell phone picture of Roha the Exchequer Leghorn, next to my Meyer blue splash Marans, Frou-Frou:

Frou'f didn't even seem to care that she was there.
They just kind of snuggled up together, so I left them be. So Roha and Rangi are on the big girl perch for the night while the others went to their coop cage to sleep.
Looks like the integration is going well. Frou Frou looks like she has adapted well, so cute together with their matching feathers.
I forget how many and what your final order is. That will be here in no time at all!

Can you believe it's here already!! They're probably already hatched cause they need time to let them dry, sex them, box them up etc all my Monday morning!!!
You're an ole' pro at this now... it will be a breeze. Can't wait to see the little fuzzy ones

So adorable!!!
I already check the site, still says "pending." Time to actually do some work in the office to distract myself. I'll check again later and throughout the day and wait for the text and/or email. It is exciting!

Can't wait for pics!

I'll be traveling again next week. My daughter (11yo) will be home so hopefully she'll take good care of Amber. We took her outside today and she perked up. She walked around the yard a bit. You could tell she was sore by the way she was walking so gingerly, but it was nice to see her move around. She's starting to get a smell though coming from the area where my friend and husband glued her skin back up. We're flushing it and trying to get the antibacterial ointment in there but I think we may need to soak her in some epsom salt and not worry about that piece of skin coming off. I'm hoping it's just the piece of skin rotting and not the wound getting infected.

On a different note... I know for sure which egg is the BA and which is the BR. There was an egg in the box this morning when I let them out, and then I saw the BR lay hers later in the day.
Hope Amber does well. That's neat that you caught your BR laying an egg. Still not sure if my BR is laying yet. My hurt chicken Oreo actually started squatting, so good sign. She still does not have the red comb and wattles yet.

Time to get back to being busy to distract myself, I probably should get ahead with work anyway since if they arrive here on Wednesday, I won't get anything done with work.
Nancy I've switched my order so many times I forgot sometimes lol. But I m pretty sure I'm done switching. This is what I'm getting

Golden Laced Polish Standard Female
Silver Laced Polish Standard Female
White Sultan Female
Golden Campine Female
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Females
Black Frizzle Cochin St. Run
Black Silkies St. Run
Buff Silkies St. Run

Blue Swedish Female
Cayuga Female
Welsh Harlequin Females
Nancy I've switched my order so many times I forgot sometimes lol. But I m pretty sure I'm done switching. This is what I'm getting

Golden Laced Polish Standard Female
Silver Laced Polish Standard Female
White Sultan Female
Golden Campine Female
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Females
Black Frizzle Cochin St. Run
Black Silkies St. Run
Buff Silkies St. Run

Blue Swedish Female
Cayuga Female
Welsh Harlequin Females
Can't wait to see the pics!! I forget... are these your first ducks? And how many Silkies are you getting total? I would love some but not sure I want to take the chance with straight run. I'd end up with all boys. I'll have to def. get some Polish next time!

Can't wait for pics!

I'll be traveling again next week. My daughter (11yo) will be home so hopefully she'll take good care of Amber. We took her outside today and she perked up. She walked around the yard a bit. You could tell she was sore by the way she was walking so gingerly, but it was nice to see her move around. She's starting to get a smell though coming from the area where my friend and husband glued her skin back up. We're flushing it and trying to get the antibacterial ointment in there but I think we may need to soak her in some epsom salt and not worry about that piece of skin coming off. I'm hoping it's just the piece of skin rotting and not the wound getting infected.

On a different note... I know for sure which egg is the BA and which is the BR. There was an egg in the box this morning when I let them out, and then I saw the BR lay hers later in the day.
Good to hear Amber is hanging in there.
Now that you know who is laying what... is your BR's egg light in color? I thought mine would be laying by now but I've never seen her in the nest box yet. Her comb is so big and red it flops over. She is by far my favorite girl... love her personality!!

Lynn: My girls just turned 12 weeks old yesterday. I can't believe how fast the time goes.
Amazing isn't it. Mine are 20 weeks old. I feel like ever since I got them time just flies by in weekly increments!

I already check the site, still says "pending." Time to actually do some work in the office to distract myself. I'll check again later and throughout the day and wait for the text and/or email. It is exciting!

Time to get back to being busy to distract myself, I probably should get ahead with work anyway since if they arrive here on Wednesday, I won't get anything done with work.
Let us know when you get the email!!
It doesn't look like I'll ever be able to k.ow who laid what egg with my girls when they start laying, with the exception of my EE. As hard as it is for you guys and I work all day....
Here are pictures of my 3-week-old Meyer Brown Egg Layer Assortment. Any new guesses on which breeds I received? I'm most curious about what everyone thinks the ones that are feathering in buff are? One of them has a LOT more wing feathers and tail feathers than the other 5, so she might be different (she's in the middle of the top row of chicks in the second photo). Also, one of the black ones still has basically NO feathers on its wings or tail, so I'm thinking it may be a male (my Meal Maker). THANKS!

Nancy I've switched my order so many times I forgot sometimes lol. But I m pretty sure I'm done switching. This is what I'm getting

Golden Laced Polish Standard Female
Silver Laced Polish Standard Female
White Sultan Female
Golden Campine Female
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Females
Black Frizzle Cochin St. Run
Black Silkies St. Run
Buff Silkies St. Run

Blue Swedish Female
Cayuga Female
Welsh Harlequin Females
Yay, ducks! Not much longer!
Lynn: My girls just turned 12 weeks old yesterday. I can't believe how fast the time goes.
12 weeks, wow. Hard to believe.
Let us know when you get the email!!
I got an urgent email, text and phone call. They could not fill my order. So I called in time to change out a couple of chicks. So no Golden Lakenvelder or White Leghorn, not enough females hatched out.

I will be getting an additional Light Brown Leghorn and a Blue Andalusian instead, both white egg layers still.

I'm glad that they called since I was out and would not have received the email in time. Their customer service was so helpful. Kind of sad that I won't be getting those two, but oh well, maybe next time. So they're all set to ship out today, it does say shipped on my order at the website, but the tracking number with the PO does not show up with any info yet. Guess they are in the process of getting to the PO.

So soon! Ahhhhh!!!

Here are pictures of my 3-week-old Meyer Brown Egg Layer Assortment. Any new guesses on which breeds I received? I'm most curious about what everyone thinks the ones that are feathering in buff are? One of them has a LOT more wing feathers and tail feathers than the other 5, so she might be different (she's in the middle of the top row of chicks in the second photo). Also, one of the black ones still has basically NO feathers on its wings or tail, so I'm thinking it may be a male (my Meal Maker). THANKS!

The 1st pic and some of the other black ones look like BA's to me and some of the buffs possibly BO's, white ones White Leghorns or White Rocks? All guesses of course. Such cute little guys and gals.
LynnEBC - You're on the same page as others who have said they think my black ones are Black Australorps and the white ones are White Rocks (since they're brown eggs layers). Now the buff ones all have yellow legs, so that rules out BO's, so I think I've narrowed it down to Buff Chanteclers, Golden Buffs, and New Hampshire Reds.

Does anyone know what the differences would be between Buff Chanteclers, Golden Buffs, and New Hampshire Reds at 3 weeks of age?
Here are pictures of my 3-week-old Meyer Brown Egg Layer Assortment. Any new guesses on which breeds I received? I'm most curious about what everyone thinks the ones that are feathering in buff are? One of them has a LOT more wing feathers and tail feathers than the other 5, so she might be different (she's in the middle of the top row of chicks in the second photo). Also, one of the black ones still has basically NO feathers on its wings or tail, so I'm thinking it may be a male (my Meal Maker). THANKS!
Can you tell what kind of comb the buffs have yet? If they have single combs, they're buff Orpingtons. I believe Chanteclers have pea combs, so a flat area where the comb should be, or maybe small bumps in the comb area would mean Chanteclers. Those are the only clean-legged buff-colored brown egg layers that they have, so they've got to be one or the other (or both). :) My guess would be black Australorps and white Plymouth Rocks for the others. However, your black chicks could also be black Jersey Giants (or maybe the one that's feathering in slowly is a BJG and the others are Australorps, since the Giants are slower to mature). Lynn, sorry you couldn't get your Lakenvelder! I was disappointed when they didn't have a successful Dorking hatch on my pick-up date, but then I saw the babies I did get and everything was alright. :lol: Hoping the little ones make it to you safely!
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