Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Anyone have any Wyandottes? I've heard about 50/50 being mean or being nice and recently some people saying Wyandottes are always mean or bullies and to not add them so it's making me really nervous. However I have had good luck with Meyer so far so my hope is that Meyer birds will be different. I've heard it's more the Silver Laced that are more mean.

Right now I have 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Easter Eggers. Supposedly the Orps and EEs are calm and gentled and can be bullied but mine hold their own and shove their way to the food when fed treats. I do have one shy EE and Orp but the rest have no problems holding their own, pecking others, getting food first, etc. They were hatched October 26th, 2015.

I am adding 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 1 Speckled Sussex, 1 Partridge Rock, and 1 Meyer Meal Maker (the free chick, idk what breed).

Obviously Speckled Sussex are very friendly and gentle.

So I guess my concern is will the Wyandottes be extremely nasty bullies and terrorize the poor little Speckled Sussex or will they get along okay?

And next, will they turn nasty and bully my older hens or cause problems with integration?

I am also building a new, much bigger, coop and run and planning to free range more (mine don't really get out atm) so I am hoping that helps, unless it's just a personality trait.

I can deal with normal pecking order stuff or even slight bullying (my Australorps were a little mean but calmed down once they started laying) but I do not want bullies or terrors that will stress the flock out.

So I guess what I'm saying is are they going to be jerks and I'll regret it or are Meyer chicks different?

They hatch October 11th and I placed the order just over 2 weeks ago. I could always cancel but I really do want to try them.

I don't think I could eat my chickens since they are pets and egg layers but I would have no problem rehoming a mean one. And these new ones are admittedly for looks, as well as the Sussex's reputation for being extremely friendly.

I have noticed my SLW's being higher in the pecking order and pecking at the others alot, but they are not that bad. And I actually like the SLW roosters better than any other rooster breed that I have had so far. They are very respectful to me whereas some of the others are not. The Speckled Sussex are sweet to me, but they can hold their own in a flock. DO NOT CANCEL!!! They bully a little bit, but it is not bad at all and you will love them. I order almost all of mine for looks or eggs. I heard the same but I have the SLW's and Sussex and a couple other breeds all from Meyer and they get along fine. And I even just added my remaining babies after the predator attack and they get along.
Since I'm on here, I'll add some updated pictures of my April Meyer order. Here is Copper, a Blue Copper Marans. My daughter fell in love with the rooster in the catalog and thus started our addiction. Right now he greats us but keeps his distance (respect)

Sandy, a Black Copper Marans. She hasn't laid an egg yet. I'll update when she does.

Knight, an Australorp rooster. He's top rooster now. He greats us and is willing to be with you but still shys away if you reach for him.

Princess, an australorp hen. She's super close to laying.

My blue Cochin rooster King. So far he's skittish but has tweeked me a couple times. He part of the Meyer Adopt Me order.

Here are a Jubilee Orpington pair that were a surprise in the Adopt Me order. Funny thing is because I didn't know what they were when I got them, I sold them to my brother in law. I'm begging him now to let me hatch out chicks, lol!

There are more but we'll start with these.
HOW DID YOU GET JUBILEES??? That is almost $100 in chickens from Meyer! They sell the hens for $49 apiece and the roosters for $45 apeice.
I soooo hear you on space and money and restrictions!!!!!  So true.  I was sooo drawing a mind blank when I asked what the 4th rock was! I so knew that!  I was laying in bed last night drifting off to sleep and thinking about chickens (because that is how everybody falls asleep:p )  and I suddenly remembered.  Yeah, I even have the Silver Penciled on my wish list.

I will do my best to wait until next summer.  BUT THAT IS A WHOLE YEAR!!!!!    

The feed store was closed when I was in town, so I still have not gotten the stuff for Rey, but I am going in a few minutes and the feed store will still be open.  I need to get some pine shavings for bedding and some feed any way, so I will be killing 3 birds with one stone.  Dandelion greens are probably high in iron.  I could scramble up a pullet egg because my older hens just started laying and Rey will probably not eat a whole adult egg anyway and I will chop up some Dandelion for her.    

Having limitations definitely stinks lol and it's okay!!! Haha i think theyre great but hate how they limited it so much this year.

I forgot it wss a whole year. DEFINITELY don't wait LOL

Sounds like a great plan and that would probably work well!!! Also I don't know if you saw my post with all the links? Might help. Quoted it below

Found this and these 3 links. Might help. Obviously it's aimed at people but the foods are still high in iron.


I didn't even relauze but apparently vitamin C helps absorb it too, first link lists foods high in that too.

And some more

This ones like a picture slideshow

Lots of specifics in this one
I have noticed my SLW's being higher in the pecking order and pecking at the others alot, but they are not that bad.  And I actually like the SLW roosters better than any other rooster breed that I have had so far.  They are very respectful to me whereas some of the others are not.  The Speckled Sussex are sweet to me, but they can hold their own in a flock.  DO NOT CANCEL!!!  They bully a little bit, but it is not bad at all and you will love them.   I order almost all of mine for looks or eggs.   I heard the same but I have the SLW's and Sussex and a couple other breeds all from Meyer and they get along fine.  And I even just added my remaining babies after the predator attack and they get along.

Wow that definitely helps ease my mind and relax! Lol that's good they can hold their own and will probably be fine. I'm looking forward to it my first I got mostly for eggs and pets but it's a little boring with 3 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Black Australorps lol the Barred Rock and 2 Easter Eggers do add color (the EEs are laced and gorgeous imo, 1 white and 1 orange, similar to the BO's but kore a rusty orange orange/a little darker, and the lacing more faded than the white one) but still a little boring lol so the new chicks should hopefully add some much needed color to the flock. Plus I will actually be able to tell them apart and name them easier.
 HOW DID YOU GET JUBILEES???  That is almost $100 in chickens from Meyer!  They sell the hens for $49 apiece and the roosters for $45 apeice.

I knew it was a risk. But I had read in comments about how some orders included sought after pairs. And since I eat roosters I don't want... It was a win win for me, lol! This spring will be fun with all my hatching plans! I have a top notch incubator that incubates 42 at a time and a husband that builds coops.
I knew it was a risk. But I had read in comments about how some orders included sought after pairs. And since I eat roosters I don't want... It was a win win for me, lol! This spring will be fun with all my hatching plans! I have a top notch incubator that incubates 42 at a time and a husband that builds coops.

That is awesome and you are lucky! Lol i still live with my parents and can barely get my dad to build/finish one coop lol
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Question for those who have gotten chicks from Meyer. My chicks are being shipped via priority mail, which I assume will take 2 days. But Meyer's website says they could arrive the next day. How long did it take for your chicks to arrive?
Oh, and on the cheapest option for shipping (I am pretty sure it was priority.) it took 2 days.
That's good to know, Cuz! I once received three goslings via priority with no issues from transit, but I still worry. I am expecting them to arrive at my local post office on Wed @ 7am. My neighbor went in with me to get the priority rate. He got 2 rhode island reds, 2 buff orphingtons, and 2 easter eggers. I got 3 blue cochins, 2 salmon favorelles, 2 blue/black polish, 2 easter eggers, and one white sultan. I think it will be a super fun assortment!

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