Meyer Hatchery Promo Code


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 12, 2011
Hey. Super excited. I'm looking to purchase my chicks tonight for early April delivery. I'll be ordering the rainbow pack, which comes in lots of 25. But they're going to sock me with a $15 shipping charge though.

So I wondered if anyone had a recent promo code to take some of the sting out of the final price. (about $65 bucks when it's all said and done)
LOL my 25 chicks was 100 bucks with shipping. Be happy.
As someone that ships things daily through the USPS (the only carrier that will ship live chicks, by the way), trust me... they aren't making any profit off of the shipping charge. Truth is that they might be losing money on shipping and make it up by nudging the cost of the chicks upward. Go to your post office and check out what a comparable size flat rate priority box runs to ship (it's $15.45 right now for the "large" size which is smaller than the boxes I've seen chicks ship in). Add in their cost for the special box, the padding, handling, etc...
Well, for what it's worth....

Trying to find some Buckeyes, and Meyer will apparently have some in the near future. While searching various hatcheries, have found thos that will ship less than 25 charge a much higher shipping charge - I've found as high as $45.00 for 3!

3 or 4 of the hatcheries I've actually talked to have said the higher rate is due to having to completely change the shipping box setup for the protection of the chicks. So, apparently, higher shipping rates aren't uncommon.

Can anyone make a suggestion on past transactions with Meyer? There seem to be numerous negative comments on a couple of "review" sites. Would like some input before placing an order.

Thanks! Have a great day, and God bless!
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I have ordered from Meyer twice. 2010 & this year. In 2010 I ordered 3 breeds. Did lose 3 in the first few days out of 26, but nothing out of the ordinary. Got 26 this year, Welsummers & EEs and all 26 are happily wandering their coop at this moment. They are 5 1/2 weeks. I have been happy both times with all chicks being lively when received.
I appreciate it, Cindy. Now if I could just figure out their "availability" schedule - doesn't seem to ever be up-to-date. But as soon as I figure out when to place the order for some Buckeyes and a couple of others, I'll keep everyone advised.

I've also discovered that there are quite a few "hatcheries" who are simply online clearing houses, apparently. Had a couple where "pickup your order" is an option - had several - one within an hour of me - who have stated that "due to security and health issues, we cannot allow visits to the hatchery or pickup of orders". One said their main office is right here, within driving distance, but they ship from from "their" various distribution points across the country, so it's impossible to pick up an order. Oddly enough, their availability of breeds closely matches several of the hatcheries I've contacted.

They ought to just call themselves chick brokers...

By the way, Buckeyes are extremely hard to find - thinking about raising them here - hatching and all!

Oh...based on the thread title,,,does anyone have a promo code for Meyer?
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