Meyer versus local hatchery (hilltop)


In the Brooder
Jan 10, 2022
I am north of Los Angeles and we are just starting our flock this spring. We are knee deep in coop planning/renovation and I'm sure I will have many questions about that in the near future!!

I hadn't given a lot of consideration to the actual procurement of the chicks before a few weeks ago. Originally a friend of ours who has many chickens wanted to give us 4-5 to get going and that sounded easy enough, but several factors have made me reconsider. I was going to order for early April from Meyer, but then I stumbled across a thread here that mentioned Dare2Dream and Hilltop. My impression was that Dare2Dream sells chicks hatched by someone else (In that case, I'll just order from Meyer) but Hilltop seems to breed their own. Their sexing guarantee is less (75%) and they seem to be less established.

Any thoughts? I cannot have roosters here at my little farmette. I liked that Hilltop was local and maybe more hands on with the process for a newbie like me, but also want to get the best birds/varieties possible and least chance of roos. My original thoughts on breeds (not set in stone) were: lavender orpington (or really any orpington), Easter Egger, a frizzle Easter Egger (when I was ordering from Meyer), blue splash Maran.

Thank you!
I have all those birds you are asking about, which I hatched myself. I have also ordered eggs to hatch from Meyer's and ordered many chicks from Meyers. Egg wise, I have not had as much luck with Meyer's even though they pack them well. Chick orders, I have had small and large. Mostly had troubles with the shipments in the colder months. April should be a good month to ship. There is drama of the shipment from so far away, and a lot of worry while you wait. If you are a worrier I would go with the near by shipment.

You could also try Foxfire Farms from ID. She sells hatched chicks, and while I have not bought hatched ones from her, of all the shipped eggs I have bought hers hatch best, of course we are only one state away from each other.
I've only ever ordered from Meyer and that was back in 2014, though I got started pullets from Murray in 2017-ish. Out of my 13 day old pullets from Meyer, one turned out to be a rooster. I see on Hilltop's website that they sell started pullets from 6 weeks to 6 months of age. If I were you then I'd get the started pullets from a closer source whether that be Hilltop or another breeder in California. I'd get them older than 6 weeks though, I bought "started pullets" ranging from 4-8 weeks from a local breeder and 5 were roosters. One even started crowing within the week of getting it. The older the better in that regard especially since youre not allowed roosters.
I have all those birds you are asking about, which I hatched myself. I have also ordered eggs to hatch from Meyer's and ordered many chicks from Meyers. Egg wise, I have not had as much luck with Meyer's even though they pack them well. Chick orders, I have had small and large. Mostly had troubles with the shipments in the colder months. April should be a good month to ship. There is drama of the shipment from so far away, and a lot of worry while you wait. If you are a worrier I would go with the near by shipment.

You could also try Foxfire Farms from ID. She sells hatched chicks, and while I have not bought hatched ones from her, of all the shipped eggs I have bought hers hatch best, of course we are only one state away from each other.
If shes the one that sells seramas ive bought serama chicks from her before only 6/12 made it but it was novemeber and would get more eventually from her as for meyer ive gotten many from their all came alive and none ever died unless i processed them
Hi 👋🏼 neighbor!

I got my 4 from Patrick @ hilltop in Corona.

Experience was A+.

What I was told by him, and what I got, the chicks that you pickup are not day-olds. They are (depending on type) between 1/2 weeks.

The polish are vet sexed, and those you can’t have until 2+weeks old.

He or his crew (I’ve met Denise) are very quick to answer any questions. In order to pickup chicks, you go there, and call the number on the door. You’ll then be met at the gate. You aren’t allowed inside the property. Bio security and all.

Throw the ball for the German Shepard if she brings you one. 😉

I got 4 hens, so no problem on sexing. He will take roosters back (as per his website). We did lose a polish the first night (never shut up & it wouldn’t stay w/the other chicks or under the heat…). He replaced her with no issues.

Disclaimer: I have no other relationship with hilltop, anyone who owns or works there. The only way I know of them is that I purchased my 4 from them in April of ‘21.

I live close by, and wanted to be sure I got hens, and I wanted only 4…because polish were two of them, the only option was local if I could find them. Roosters and extras were just not an option. Chickens were added to our yard to entertain a passle of my elders (75-100yos) that were going lockdown crazy.

Now my only minuscule complaint- my cream legbar does not lay blue eggs. She looks like a poster child cream legbar, but her eggs are definitely light green. From my reading, this is normal. She’s a really great hen, but I also really wish she laid blue…
Hi there! I am a first time (chicken) mom and also got my chicks from Hilltop Farm in April 2021. I got 3 day-old chicks (Olive Egger, Speckled Sussex, and Mottled Java). For me it was really important to find something local so not to put chicks through the stress of transport.
Hilltop has a bunch of variety as you probably saw. One of my 3 chicks turned out to the be a roo. He was the sweetest roo ever (see my profile pic of him on my head). He was super cuddly. But because I can't have roosters, I had to rehome him. Hilltop/Patrick offered to take him back but I wanted to be sure he found a wonderful home so I rehomed him myself.
No complaints whatsoever. I couldn't be happier and I think you'd be too.
He is a little slow to reply at times but don't be discouraged.
Including a pic of them from around 12 weeks. Just because they are so cute! They are now over 8 months old. Happy and healthy and laying beautifully.


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I can't speak to anything else you mentioned, but I ordered hatchery chicks from McMurray and ended up with 4 roosters out of 20. I didn't have any issues with shipping though, and all of them are thriving now six months later.
I ordered 15 (14 + the "meal maker" chick) chicks from Meyer in August 21. They arrived all healthy and happy in under 24 hours, but I am only a state away. They were 100% correct on sexing. I ordered 4 BBS Ameraucana, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 White Crested Polish, 2 Black Copper Marans, 2 Easter Eggers, and the meal maker is an Olive Egger (she's gorgeous too, Black Copper Marans crossed with Crested Cream Legbar it appears.) About a week after they arrived, one of my EE developed cross beak which is genetic, for that reason I probably won't order any more EE from them. It broke my heart, but for her well being (and mine really, trying to feed her was stressful) I rehomed her to a lady who has experience (and time) to take care of her. Everyone else was perfect though. I have started getting eggs from a few.

Now, as to your question of which to go with, I LOVED the experience with Meyer as their customer service is wonderful. I added 4 chicks to my original order of 10 on the day they were to be shipped because I got an "over hatch" alert for 2 breeds they didn't think would be available and I wanted them (the Orpingtons and Polish) and there was zero hassle and it went smoothly. Meyer also has a cross-beak refund policy and when I contacted them they didn't bat and eye, they quickly refunded the cost for the bird and even offered tips on how best to care for her. Ordering was super easy. My only problem in your situation is how far away you are from Meyer (which is in Ohio). Shipping is done through USPS and I know things are moving slower than they used to be and I would worry they may be too long in the mail and possibly a bit traumatized by the duration of transit. If you decide to go with Meyer, I would pay for the overnight shipping to ensure they get to you as quickly as possible. It's an added expense (I think its like $50, but not certain) but it would be worth it (in my opinion) for the welfare of the chicks and the peace of mind. After reading the messages above though, from people who bought from Hilltop Farm, it sounds like they have a great operation and if I were local I probably would have bought from them if only to save the chicks the mail adventure. I realize you need to make sure you don't get roosters and honestly, there is no 100% way to ensure that without DNA testing, on the breeds you have chosen. In my situation, I didn't want roosters but it wouldn't have been a huge ordeal if I got one because we are allowed them where I am, but raising them to the point they out themselves as a rooster you become attached. My little cross-beak was only about a month old when I rehomed her and it gutted me. She was my favorite, of course, its ALWAYS the favorite. If you for sure need 100% pullets you might consider some sex linked breeds that are obviously pullet or rooster by their color when hatched.

No matter where you decide to get your new chicks, congratulations on them!
I've order from Meyer, they have good customer service. My first order didn't hatch so they called and offered me options. I had great luck with my 2nd order of day olds, not so much with my 3rd order of day olds, though did end up with 1 beautiful Buckeye girl that made it through from the 3rd hatch. And all of my pullets are tough and spirited!

They were willing to work with me even when I had been past guarantee as I had been calling them with questions almost from the start. But I couldn't take on more chicks at the time.

I'm satisfied enough that I have a 4th order with Meyer (knock on wood) coming in May. So I would recommend them.

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