Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

He seems much improved this morning. The stuff i have him on now is a sulfa but does gram negative bacteria, cocci, and coryzoa. Since meds aimed at the positive bacteria helped a little i'm hoping that the negative is what he has and the mystery will be solved. I can't keep him here! Though he is perfectly content. If he didn't crow no one would care. The vet rx is like chicken vicks rub. I think it eases the congestion. I also have to encourage him to eat, he has been pretending for the girls. Givaway was i saw his poops were smaller than my bantam's! I have him eating manna pro poultry conditioner as a sole ration on account of the tiny appetite, made into a mash with a couple drops of the vet rx in it for good measure.


Dove isn't supposed to be so close but he really likes my roo and wants to eat with him in the worst way. Had to put him in another room to keep him away! Doves are "exotic" too and i can't afford more vet bills! After he's improved and i rebuild the gut flora whole flock is going on denaguard. Then come spring i'll find where you guys send samples to get NPIP certified, they will able to i.d. what my flock has perhaps.
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Raz, weren't you informed that you'd need someone there? I'm sure the court will have a hayday with this.... you need to get a little more aggressive my friend.
Nope. They just said that I couldn't drive. No problem, I can walk home.
Nope, You can't walk out. So why do they call it "ambulatory" ?

It sure doesn't take much to upset a hospital admin.

I looked into Grit as well... & you're right about it being a gloss over. That's not what I'm looking for. Hmm... homesteading is a fad? Well, I hope that's not true. Fad's go in & out of style. Some of our government officials need to learn it's not a fad & get educated.

Ahh,well that's closer to what I'm looking for. Mother Earth News might be a good one, but still seems a tad um, I don't know the word I'm looking for. It's one I haven't heard of before though & their current issue anyways might have some articles in it that would interest me. I'm picky & hard to please I guess. Looks like they're $2/issue through the subscription. :/ Is this something we can find on newsstands anywhere around here (where)? It's be nice to thumb through one before trying the subscription. It's getting winter (ugh!) & that makes me want to hibernate more. The Britain magazine still looks more interesting. All well, their price is outrageous.

Can anybody think of others that I might want to look into?

I looked into Grit as well... & you're right about it being a gloss over. That's not what I'm looking for. Hmm... homesteading is a fad? Well, I hope that's not true. Fad's go in & out of style. Some of our government officials need to learn it's not a fad & get educated.

By fad I mean that it's a widespread, main stream hot topic right now and thus is frequently used as a marketing tool carried out to the masses with shallow articles with intriguing topics aimed at folks interested in 'homesteading', 'organics', 'grow your own food', etc....based on a more 'healthy' lifestyle. Alot of it is mere lip service with a plethora of misinformation.

Mother Earth News has been around since 1970 during the 'first' 'fad' of the homesteading type movement.
Not sure how the tenor of that publication has changed over the years, would be interesting to get a few copies from back in the 70's and compared them to a few current copies.

Sorry to sound so jaded, false marketing has long been a pet peeve with me.

You might want to go to a library and see what they have on the shelf to take a look and decide whether they are worth spending your money on....or look into good books to read over the winter...again the library, Michigan has a state wide lending system called MelCat which is very cool to be able to borrow books from across the state rather than be limited to what's in your local district.
My girls are very frustrating! They stopped laying while molting. I dewormed them too. Well I haven't had an egg in 3 weeks. All that feed and no eggs. Argh! I haven't bought eggs in 3 tears.
Hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather.
Several magazines are available on-line.




But like the internet, you can find an answer to every question and several opinions regarding that answer. I like to get a few ideas and then research the topic from accredited sources like universities, extension programmes and peer-reviewed science before I arrive at a conclusion.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to go check TMZ and see what celebrities have chickens. It can't be a fad if the celebs are doing it.
Several magazines are available on-line.




But like the internet, you can find an answer to every question and several opinions regarding that answer. I like to get a few ideas and then research the topic from accredited sources like universities, extension programmes and peer-reviewed science before I arrive at a conclusion.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to go check TMZ and see what celebrities have chickens. It can't be a fad if the celebs are doing it.
LOL celeb chickens...well martha started it all anyway didn't she?

I prefer the net too, spending money on mag just to toss it seems finanacially and, um, unenvironmentally sound....alot of mags have extended info to veiw their website IF you have a subscription. Grit, bought for me for every year($12) by my elderly aunt, has weird web addresses and the content is not much more informative than the mag and is peppered with more ads. Smithsonian, free gift script from someone else(long stupid story) which actually has incredibly detailed articles also has online extras.
My girls are very frustrating! They stopped laying while molting. I dewormed them too. Well I haven't had an egg in 3 weeks. All that feed and no eggs. Argh! I haven't bought eggs in 3 tears.
Hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather.

How many layers do you have, only 10 of mine are capable of laying, I get 2-3 eggs a day. I always thought that was bad...
I'm getting 2-4 eggs/day right now with 10 layers (1 is broody, the rest are either starting to molt or in a hard molt).

Hope my 2 EE & 1 OE pullets start soon...they were hatched on Mother's Day...& my black Ameraucana is 4 weeks older than them...those 4 better start earning their keep soon! Plus I'm totally excited to see the color of their eggs :)

I like Mother Earth News; but only use it online (& have "subscribed" for free to email newsletters). Like others, I pretty much use the web for everything as I, too, like to triple + check the veracity of the info (& like RaZ I'm big on the universities & extensions...)

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