Mille Cochin Info

LOVE THEM & you can image I am so excited to see them at this time because as we speak I have, from Amy, mottled & mille fleur eggs pipping. BUT nervous because we are under severe thunderstorm & tornado warnings. So afraid, we may lose power before. during etc. all the eggs hatch out! I'm a nervous wreck right now.
Oooooh- Wishing you the best of luck. I'm done hatching this year. Only hatched 21 cockerel out of 84 chicks total. Take my luck. Don't need it anymore.
This is the only pullet that came out with enough buff to consider keeping her for the Mille Project.... What do you think? She is 5 months old and will be laying soon...

I can't believe my luck! My best pullet pictured above is "missing" and she was the only one i was keeping.... Why in the world could one of the extra Roos go missing!
Please keep me in mind if you have a nice pullet that needs a home:rolleyes:
I can't believe my luck! My best pullet pictured above is "missing" and she was the only one i was keeping.... Why in the world could one of the extra Roos go missing!
Please keep me in mind if you have a nice pullet that needs a home:rolleyes:
Or possibly she is hiding with a clutch of eggs? My guinea hen is hatching in a ditch right now. Can't see cuz weeds are so high.
Terrific pictures, Mike! I especially love this one

O, and so the people who bought Sunshine Roo came to pick him up today. About an hour later he was back. The said he was going to turn mean. He bit them I guess. So I got a free rooster. They didn't even wan't there money back.

Pros- Got a free rooster
seems to have good type so far

Cons- Not enough MF hens
Wouldn't have ever guessed it..
Bobbie, loving the broody pullet in Pen #1 that lost her tail. Don't mind me, just catching up here and am answering a question from a week ago. BTW, is she hatching anything? or just brooding?

Country boy! Wow!! Nice looking birds, and your photographs are amazing, could you come by and take some of my kids? I'll throw a chicken in the pic if it would make you more comfortable. ;)
Nope, she's not sitting on any eggs, Martha. I gave 18 eggs away to PrnzsButtrcluck (Sarah) from this pen. They were all pullet eggs and Hot Pants would be the father. She and her daughter were willing to do a test hatch for me. She said I could have back what I wanted and her kids would be happy with just a couple as pets. I threw out over 2 dozen of their eggs because I just didn't want to hatch in the incubator. I set some under the other broodies but none hatched.

At this point, unless they are special, I am not wintering chicks this year. I do have black bantam Cochin eggs on order from Sutillman and I may have my current blacks ready for chocolate breeding... Maybe.
and a couple roo hopefuls!
Have a bunch more, but snapped these guys quick!

This guy was super cute, but he got grabbed by a racoon 2 nights ago- he was missing all day yesterday, but came home today, looking a bit worse for the wear.
He lost most of the top of his cushion - at least half his tail, back feathers, and most of his right wing feathering, but seems to be doing okay otherwise.
I'm betting he roosts INSIDE the coop tonight! (I hope...)

I love that half tube you have as a feeder cover/shade area! Awesome!

Really nice roo that got nabbed. I hope he is better now. Poor dear! He is too light to be outside at night. Silly birds can be real pains to teach anything.

Your birds are looking so great! I love them!

This seems to have been a good year for everyone working on the MF project. I know it an be slow going but I love everyone's photos!

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