Mille Cochin Info

I was finally able to get out during the day and take some photos of the gorgeous starter flock!

Most of the birds:

One Cockerel. Has a nice tail, waiting to see how he develops. Not much of a cushion..but underdeveloped yet. I like his head so far:

Frizzled Mottled Blue Pullet

The recent pair! I think the one on the right is a cockerel, but if it is a pullet I will be triple excited. No real sex feathers yet, but some of them do look suspicious.

The pullet with Lil' Ropo in the background:

And, until someone upsurps him: The BIG MAN on Campus: The more I look at him, the more I come to like him.
Aw that is just awful to hear Amy!

What time of day did your horse break out of his pasture? Maybe he has Sundowners or Moon Blindness? I'd say ship him off but thanks to those who know nothing about horses...that is impossible now.
don't blame moon blindness (aka ERU - equine recurrent uveitis)... i've got a mare that's been blind with ERU since '99 and she's the most level headed sensible horse i've got. it's her idiot daughter that's the spaz. but then again she's been busting fences now for years, so is out more than she's in, and the chickens all know it. LOL
On a very sad note, I lost the most handsome, typy, fantastic rooster I got from Bantyman!

My horse got out and went running past his tractor and in the fella's fear to flee he broke his neck. I had just fed him 15 minutes prior to that and said I needed to take some photos of his white tips that were coming out so beautifully!
I swear, I am going to kill that horse!

That is the 3rd bird he has scared to death and he gets out of 4 strands of barbed wire over the hog wire! You would think having 6 acres of grass, plenty of hay and some sweet feed would be enough but he has the devil in him at age 25 and I seriously want him gone.

Oh No! So sorry to hear this. It always seems like our favorites are the first to go. Can you move the tractor far away from the horse's reach?
On a very sad note, I lost the most handsome, typy, fantastic rooster I got from Bantyman!

What did he turn into ? Do you have any pix of him up till now just so I can see him ?
Welp, I took pics of my brooder batch from Halloween.

The whole group:


I have my first Mottled pullet! Only 3 MFC pullets and 4 MFC cockerels. Hopefully the type on these guys come out nice.

The mystery behind my chocolate is solved.
Here she is as a chick:

And here she is today:


Yep, my first chocolate MFC. Yay? She is half English Orp.

I am playing with scratching the MFC project again. I like the idea of blacks and chocolates. The MFCs are just taking space and money away from what I really am enjoying. Then again, I like looking at the MFCs, too. -sigh- I need a 14x40 shed coop.
I have my first Mottled pullet! Only 3 MFC pullets and 4 MFC cockerels. Hopefully the type on these guys come out nice.
The mystery behind my chocolate is solved.
Here she is as a chick:

And here she is today:

Yep, my first chocolate MFC. Yay? She is half English Orp.
I am playing with scratching the MFC project again. I like the idea of blacks and chocolates. The MFCs are just taking space and money away from what I really am enjoying. Then again, I like looking at the MFCs, too. -sigh- I need a 14x40 shed coop.
The only thing is that English Orpingtons have white skin. White skin is dominant when bred to a yellow skinned bird. Your bird looks to have yellow skin (legs) which means something else may have been used.
On a very sad note, I lost the most handsome, typy, fantastic rooster I got from Bantyman!

What did he turn into ? Do you have any pix of him up till now just so I can see him ?
I will have to look back through my photos but I don't have anything very recent. He turned into an awesome typy, well colored roo. Still had the red collar, black body but the white tips were coming in all over on him, his wings, his feet, his back and tail. No streaking, just tipping. ****** me off big time to lose him! (Excuse my language!) He had a super cushion as wide as his body, it had great shape and his head was only as tall as his rump. His chest was wide and he was really turning into a great attraction! I am heart broke!

That is him above in Oct. He had yet to show all his potential.
And here he is below as he looked the beginning of last month. He molted out a bit after this and I put him into another pen with a few Mottled pullets just to finish filling out for spring. He was much better than this with more white and filled out. I do not think I took any more photos after this one but kept telling myself I needed to since he had changed so much and looked so much better in type and color. I had big plans for this boy.

Quote: The horse was well away from the tractor in his pasture but he tore out yet again and came barreling down the hill and into the barnyard. He doesn't want grass and really doesn't want feed, he does like attention but not from other animals. When he used to be left loose on the farm he would sleep outside our bedroom window at night and loved it when I opened the curtains so he could watch TV with us. As our breeding stallion, he has been handled a lot and is very person oriented. However, I am tired of his destructiveness. He is a pain.

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