Mille Cochin Info

Rem is looking lovely as always Mike.

Very cute chicks, Karen! and whenever you're done with that blue MF hen, you can send her over my way...
well, there are a number of blue pullets in the bunch of pics i posted. 8) several look like she did as a chick. she had way more white at first, lost it, and is now getting it back.

this was her at about the same age (maybe a bit older)...
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Here are your pictures! I think you know them all. Tuba is still looking like a mottled with no red! What do you think? Did I post enough photos????

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This little boy is a mystery. He has the color, hackles and saddle feathers of a boy but is very "hen" acting. He also has the shape and comb of a hen and has never crowed. I have 3 boys that are a full month younger and all crow non -stop. I like the volume in his cheast and I keeping him around for a while to see how his type evolves.

Let me know if he lays an egg. First look and I thought, 'why are they calling that hen a little boy?" So now I'm curious.
Mike looks like your boys don't like the new roo! I had to separate mine too not long ago, and I can see now that once they're separated... there's NO putting them back together!
They had all lived in relative harmony until I started pairing them off.
OK, but why did you post pics of a Rooster with blood all over his face?
There was a major rooster fight between all my boys except my LF Cochins. Some got beat up but none really bad. Just a little blood on the comb. No serious problems. It was all started by an ameraucana while free ranging and then before I got there to seperate them everybody was in on it.
Here's a summer hatch cockerel, not yet breeding. He needs more chevrons. I'd like to see him with more mass in the tail. Funny, his sisters have better body type but darn if I can produce an MFC roo with good type. Maybe matched to some nicely typed hens he'll throw some keepers.

This is a split pullet 1/2 mottled 1/2 MFC
Hoping these 2 pullets help put in chevrons & continue to better the type.

Slowly trucking along with the MFC....
Mike looks like your boys don't like the new roo! I had to separate mine too not long ago, and I can see now that once they're separated... there's NO putting them back together!
They had all lived in relative harmony until I started pairing them off.
No, only PB and the ameraucana. Everybody else sided with Geronimo in the fight. I don't know why he had more blood than the others as he was winning! I only can think the ameraucana could have got to him before the others could come and jump in. But, the ameraucana got a ride to an auction yesterday. All is okay as I am done free ranging them and they are all back in there pens until next spring. Snow has the ground covered. :(
There was a major rooster fight between all my boys except my LF Cochins. Some got beat up but none really bad. Just a little blood on the comb. No serious problems. It was all started by an ameraucana while free ranging and then before I got there to seperate them everybody was in on it.
Cleared the bleachers, Huh? I've got a "rooster jail" cage for anybody that dares to upset the peace.

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