Mille Cochin Info

Oh no!!! how terrible. I have had so many close calls with those darned heat lamps! I wonder if that's what happened. Everyone, make sure yours are secured. Mine aren't enough. I will fix them tomorrow. If a bird jumps on one, it hits the shavings and, it may take a few hours.. but, it will happen. Oh.. how awful

Nancy, whenever you make it to the computer, I will help you rebuild. Im sure we all will. Eggies coming your way.
I really hope it's not as bad as I fear it is.....
It is with much sadness that I have come on here to ask you all to keep Nancy in your hearts and prayers. She lost many of her pets and wonderful birds in a barn fire on Saturday.
We are very sorry, Nancy! We hope the wounds on your heart can heal soon and your grief is helped by your loving friends!
Oh my goodness-my heart is breaking for her. I am newer to chicken world but please let me know if there is anything i can do. I am so sorry.
Thank you guys. No one but other breeders know that these were not JUST CHICKENS. Almost every one of my birds have names but they're more then just pets too. I don't know how to describe it right now. but you guys get it
I've been hurting so much. I guess it has helped today being able to talk about it.
I lost my barn on saturday. I am very grateful that I still have the coop and the chicks in the house and eggs in the incubator.
I lost all of my adult Cochin beeders except for one hen who was in the coop with the younger birds. The grow out pen is in the coop which is a long way from the barn.
I did have heat lamps and heated water bowls in the barn, I don't know if that's what caused the fire. I had cages around all of the heat lamps, some I made myself of extra wire but most were the cages that came with the heat lamps. But I made sure the bulbs were secure in every one. I even checked them regularily to make sure they were screwed in tight. I had a bulb fall off in a brooder in the house once & I've been so careful with heat lamps since then. I have the cords secure and I wired or tied the lamps to the sides of the pens so they couldn't be knocked around. I've been so cautious with heat lamps because I've actually been afraid of a fire. It's not really fair that I was so careful and still had a fire. I don't know if it was the heat lamps or the extention cord or what it was. When I went out there the middle of the barn was burning more then the south wing where I had my birds. But it was too far gone. I tried to break the door down but I couldn't get close.
I had had a migraine saturday - I was actually out in the barn when it came on - and the barn burnt while I slept. I am so angry and so sad
If it wasn't for the migraine I would have been out there when it started and I would have stopped it, and I would have known what caused it. and I would still have all of my beautiful birds
Thank you guys. No one but other breeders know that these were not JUST CHICKENS. Almost every one of my birds have names but they're more then just pets too. I don't know how to describe it right now. but you guys get it
I've been hurting so much. I guess it has helped today being able to talk about it.
I lost my barn on saturday. I am very grateful that I still have the coop and the chicks in the house and eggs in the incubator.
I lost all of my adult Cochin beeders except for one hen who was in the coop with the younger birds. The grow out pen is in the coop which is a long way from the barn.
I did have heat lamps and heated water bowls in the barn, I don't know if that's what caused the fire. I had cages around all of the heat lamps, some I made myself of extra wire but most were the cages that came with the heat lamps. But I made sure the bulbs were secure in every one. I even checked them regularily to make sure they were screwed in tight. I had a bulb fall off in a brooder in the house once & I've been so careful with heat lamps since then. I have the cords secure and I wired or tied the lamps to the sides of the pens so they couldn't be knocked around. I've been so cautious with heat lamps because I've actually been afraid of a fire. It's not really fair that I was so careful and still had a fire. I don't know if it was the heat lamps or the extention cord or what it was. When I went out there the middle of the barn was burning more then the south wing where I had my birds. But it was too far gone. I tried to break the door down but I couldn't get close.
I had had a migraine saturday - I was actually out in the barn when it came on - and the barn burnt while I slept. I am so angry and so sad
If it wasn't for the migraine I would have been out there when it started and I would have stopped it, and I would have known what caused it. and I would still have all of my beautiful birds

Life is filled with "what if's"....Fortunately for you & your family (especially Gracie) you were NOT near the fire. Granted it sounds noble to want to protect your babies but God made sure you wre far away when this tragedy happened. We are all here to help you rebuild. Memories of all your favorites will be foremost in your mind forever. You can question "why" forever & never have the answer. Fortunately you are here for your family & that is the most important aspect of this horrible situation. Let time heal the pain & love heal the heart......
Thank you guys. No one but other breeders know that these were not JUST CHICKENS. Almost every one of my birds have names but they're more then just pets too. I don't know how to describe it right now. but you guys get it
I've been hurting so much. I guess it has helped today being able to talk about it.
I lost my barn on saturday. I am very grateful that I still have the coop and the chicks in the house and eggs in the incubator.
I lost all of my adult Cochin beeders except for one hen who was in the coop with the younger birds. The grow out pen is in the coop which is a long way from the barn.
I did have heat lamps and heated water bowls in the barn, I don't know if that's what caused the fire. I had cages around all of the heat lamps, some I made myself of extra wire but most were the cages that came with the heat lamps. But I made sure the bulbs were secure in every one. I even checked them regularily to make sure they were screwed in tight. I had a bulb fall off in a brooder in the house once & I've been so careful with heat lamps since then. I have the cords secure and I wired or tied the lamps to the sides of the pens so they couldn't be knocked around. I've been so cautious with heat lamps because I've actually been afraid of a fire. It's not really fair that I was so careful and still had a fire. I don't know if it was the heat lamps or the extention cord or what it was. When I went out there the middle of the barn was burning more then the south wing where I had my birds. But it was too far gone. I tried to break the door down but I couldn't get close.
I had had a migraine saturday - I was actually out in the barn when it came on - and the barn burnt while I slept. I am so angry and so sad
If it wasn't for the migraine I would have been out there when it started and I would have stopped it, and I would have known what caused it. and I would still have all of my beautiful birds
So, so, so sorry. My heart goes out to you.
Thank you guys. No one but other breeders know that these were not JUST CHICKENS. Almost every one of my birds have names but they're more then just pets too. I don't know how to describe it right now. but you guys get it
I've been hurting so much. I guess it has helped today being able to talk about it.
I lost my barn on saturday. I am very grateful that I still have the coop and the chicks in the house and eggs in the incubator.
I lost all of my adult Cochin beeders except for one hen who was in the coop with the younger birds. The grow out pen is in the coop which is a long way from the barn.
I did have heat lamps and heated water bowls in the barn, I don't know if that's what caused the fire. I had cages around all of the heat lamps, some I made myself of extra wire but most were the cages that came with the heat lamps. But I made sure the bulbs were secure in every one. I even checked them regularily to make sure they were screwed in tight. I had a bulb fall off in a brooder in the house once & I've been so careful with heat lamps since then. I have the cords secure and I wired or tied the lamps to the sides of the pens so they couldn't be knocked around. I've been so cautious with heat lamps because I've actually been afraid of a fire. It's not really fair that I was so careful and still had a fire. I don't know if it was the heat lamps or the extention cord or what it was. When I went out there the middle of the barn was burning more then the south wing where I had my birds. But it was too far gone. I tried to break the door down but I couldn't get close.
I had had a migraine saturday - I was actually out in the barn when it came on - and the barn burnt while I slept. I am so angry and so sad
If it wasn't for the migraine I would have been out there when it started and I would have stopped it, and I would have known what caused it. and I would still have all of my beautiful birds
I am so sorry for your loss! It was so heart breaking reading all of this.
You cant blame yourself, accidents happen and there really isn't anything you could have done. It sounds like you are very careful.
Be thankful you and your family are safe. I know it is painful to lose all your precious birds and I feel your pain.
It is obvious you have a lot of friends on here that love you and are ready to help you rebuild.
Love yourself and put the rest in God's Hands.
Thank you guys. No one but other breeders know that these were not JUST CHICKENS. Almost every one of my birds have names but they're more then just pets too. I don't know how to describe it right now. but you guys get it
I've been hurting so much. I guess it has helped today being able to talk about it.
I lost my barn on saturday. I am very grateful that I still have the coop and the chicks in the house and eggs in the incubator.
I lost all of my adult Cochin beeders except for one hen who was in the coop with the younger birds. The grow out pen is in the coop which is a long way from the barn.
I did have heat lamps and heated water bowls in the barn, I don't know if that's what caused the fire. I had cages around all of the heat lamps, some I made myself of extra wire but most were the cages that came with the heat lamps. But I made sure the bulbs were secure in every one. I even checked them regularily to make sure they were screwed in tight. I had a bulb fall off in a brooder in the house once & I've been so careful with heat lamps since then. I have the cords secure and I wired or tied the lamps to the sides of the pens so they couldn't be knocked around. I've been so cautious with heat lamps because I've actually been afraid of a fire. It's not really fair that I was so careful and still had a fire. I don't know if it was the heat lamps or the extention cord or what it was. When I went out there the middle of the barn was burning more then the south wing where I had my birds. But it was too far gone. I tried to break the door down but I couldn't get close.
I had had a migraine saturday - I was actually out in the barn when it came on - and the barn burnt while I slept. I am so angry and so sad
If it wasn't for the migraine I would have been out there when it started and I would have stopped it, and I would have known what caused it. and I would still have all of my beautiful birds
Thank you guys. No one but other breeders know that these were not JUST CHICKENS. Almost every one of my birds have names but they're more then just pets too. I don't know how to describe it right now. but you guys get it
I've been hurting so much. I guess it has helped today being able to talk about it.
I lost my barn on saturday. I am very grateful that I still have the coop and the chicks in the house and eggs in the incubator.
I lost all of my adult Cochin beeders except for one hen who was in the coop with the younger birds. The grow out pen is in the coop which is a long way from the barn.
I did have heat lamps and heated water bowls in the barn, I don't know if that's what caused the fire. I had cages around all of the heat lamps, some I made myself of extra wire but most were the cages that came with the heat lamps. But I made sure the bulbs were secure in every one. I even checked them regularily to make sure they were screwed in tight. I had a bulb fall off in a brooder in the house once & I've been so careful with heat lamps since then. I have the cords secure and I wired or tied the lamps to the sides of the pens so they couldn't be knocked around. I've been so cautious with heat lamps because I've actually been afraid of a fire. It's not really fair that I was so careful and still had a fire. I don't know if it was the heat lamps or the extention cord or what it was. When I went out there the middle of the barn was burning more then the south wing where I had my birds. But it was too far gone. I tried to break the door down but I couldn't get close.
I had had a migraine saturday - I was actually out in the barn when it came on - and the barn burnt while I slept. I am so angry and so sad
If it wasn't for the migraine I would have been out there when it started and I would have stopped it, and I would have known what caused it. and I would still have all of my beautiful birds

Nancy, I'm so sorry about your barn, sounds like you are pretty vigilant. Migraines can steal your life away.

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