Mille Cochin Info

Beautiful chicks Msbear!!!

Here are mine. I can't get the foot feathering on the middle toes. Any idea why?


Some from Nancy-

Kipper and Gracie
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They are darling. This little one in the first pic looking right at the camera has some attitude! Is it the same chick that is looking up in the last pic? I love cochin chicks with tude!!!!

Did you guys know that Fancy Feathers barn burned yesterday and she needs help??? Caught this on my Facebook thread, don't know if it will post here or not.

Her grand chicks will be most precious to her I'm sure, when she gets things situated. I'm just a crazy chicken person hoping to help out by passing this along...
Actually that happened over a week ago, not yesterday. Still, I'm sure she will appreciate any help we can give her. I have some stuff I could give her but I am too far away. Stuff like 2x4's, sheet metal, cages, etc.
Beautiful chicks Mike. Tiffany is especially lovely, isn't she.

Yes my barn burned last Saturday. Yes I appreciate everyone's offers of eggs, but my breeding program itself, at least insofar as Mille Fleur Cochins, is still intact. I have 2 incubators and they're still pretty full. I had birds in 2 buildings and I am in fact getting eggs out of the Cochin pen in the coop. I have my hens Peaches and Candy in the coop, plus the younger generation is now growing up and beginning to lay as well.
I will forever miss and I am mourning the birds I lost. MF Cochins Prince and Bran, Dinner and Ivan, Inky and Cinnamon, Lily and Sugar, Yoyo, Oboe and Loula.

Yup, sheet metal, 2x4s, wire, cages is what I need most. I normally did have my grow out pen in the coop, but as fate would have it just Friday and earlier that day Saturday I was in the process of cleaning and rearranging. I was planning on making a grow out pen in the barn, and I moved a bunch of White Silkies from the barn to the pen in the coop that I had been using as my grow out pen. So now, what I need most, is a pen or cages I can put the chicks that are currently in the laundry room in my house into. I'm working on it. We cleared a corner in the garage and I have some 2x4s and plywood waiting on me to get out there and construct a pen out of now.
I'm sure if Stephanie and Karen and everyone else was anywhere close to me they would be over here helping me rebuild, but I'm pretty isolated in South Dakota.
Tiffany is georgous. All the ones I've got from youare. I can't get very many of her or Tuba though as they are constantly following you and you have to watch out to be careful of stepping on them.
Sorry I got the day mixed up, have been working a lot and must have missed some posts... Glad to know that all was not lost and that you are moving forward as best you can.
My heart still goes out to you and your family. Even a stranger like me would show up to help if I was closer!

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