Mille Cochin Info

O, and usually when I sell at an auction I get around $10 a piece after commission. You don't have any plans of selling them individually do you? If you ship I could probly find some people willing to pay $10- $20 a piece plus shipping. There are a couple I would like to get as well especially the smutty buff columbian.

I have never shipped but I would be willing to try. I was told $8-12 each bird. This auctioneer gets more for the roos than the girls, though!
My issue is I really like some of them. I get it in my head to sell and then I look at the ones I like (Smutty buff, Bridgette, 2 of Bridgette's daughters and all three close to MFs). I have eggs of theirs hatching so if I sell the flock, I still have babies. I like them, but I am sick of the boy's attitudes. Surprisingly, Junior isn't bad. Junior is Byron's son and Byron is the worst rooster I have. You can't even collect eggs without making sure he's out of the coop or he'll get you.

I don't know.
I have never shipped but I would be willing to try. I was told $8-12 each bird. This auctioneer gets more for the roos than the girls, though!
My issue is I really like some of them. I get it in my head to sell and then I look at the ones I like (Smutty buff, Bridgette, 2 of Bridgette's daughters and all three close to MFs). I have eggs of theirs hatching so if I sell the flock, I still have babies. I like them, but I am sick of the boy's attitudes. Surprisingly, Junior isn't bad. Junior is Byron's son and Byron is the worst rooster I have. You can't even collect eggs without making sure he's out of the coop or he'll get you.

I don't know.

If you do want to try shipping, let me know. I will take 3 or 4 and then if you ever want them back I'll give sell you them back for the same prices.
Please don't think me rude, but how are you rearing them as chicks? Are you feeding them by hand or putting it into a food dish for them to eat? Are you giving treats and having them take it from your hand or throwing it on the ground for them?
Bobbi Jo, punt that roo like you're going for a 30 yard field goal!!
Take three steps back, concentrate... 1.. 2.. BAM! LOL

no really. that works and I will also hold a roo upside down by his feet. swing him around and show him dominance. whenever you see him mount a hen, kick him off. whenever he goes to the food, kick him back. It sounds awful but, just like any language in any species of animals, you have to show you are on the top of the pecking order. With horses, letting them get away with that crap is dangerous. With bantam cochins.. not so much. I haven't had a mean one in a couple of years and probably didn't do much about it cause it never worried me but, if it does, you gotta act. My main roo is an olive egger and he takes no slack from no chicken cause they know the wrath they would get for even attempting it. That same roo is nice as pie to me though cause he knows the wrath he'd get from me. Pecking orders are always being tested.
Bobbi Jo, punt that roo like you're going for a 30 yard field goal!!
Take three steps back, concentrate... 1.. 2.. BAM! LOL

no really. that works and I will also hold a roo upside down by his feet. swing him around and show him dominance. whenever you see him mount a hen, kick him off. whenever he goes to the food, kick him back. It sounds awful but, just like any language in any species of animals, you have to show you are on the top of the pecking order. With horses, letting them get away with that crap is dangerous. With bantam cochins.. not so much. I haven't had a mean one in a couple of years and probably didn't do much about it cause it never worried me but, if it does, you gotta act. My main roo is an olive egger and he takes no slack from no chicken cause they know the wrath they would get for even attempting it. That same roo is nice as pie to me though cause he knows the wrath he'd get from me. Pecking orders are always being tested.
I have to agree. Thats just how it is with roosters and horses.My main roo is a big baby when it comes to people but when it comes to other roos, nobody even goes near him. I don't know if I would either though with the size of his spurs. He is a Bantam Cochin and has almost 2.5 inch spurs now. I would clip them but he uses them quite often free ranging.
Please don't think me rude, but how are you rearing them as chicks? Are you feeding them by hand or putting it into a food dish for them to eat? Are you giving treats and having them take it from your hand or throwing it on the ground for them?
I do not hand feed. I treat them like chickens and not lap pets. Food goes in the dish and that's it. I don't hold and baby them. When they are young, I sit in the run with them and play with them. I will give them treats (scratch, meal worms, leftovers/kitchen scraps) on the ground when they are young but once they get older, nothing more than some scratch. *Side note, corn season is chicken heaven. Over 1000 mostly harvested sweet corn cobs are fed to them as we process it.
Bobbi Jo, punt that roo like you're going for a 30 yard field goal!!
Take three steps back, concentrate... 1.. 2.. BAM! LOL no really. that works and I will also hold a roo upside down by his feet. swing him around and show him dominance. whenever you see him mount a hen, kick him off. whenever he goes to the food, kick him back. It sounds awful but, just like any language in any species of animals, you have to show you are on the top of the pecking order. With horses, letting them get away with that crap is dangerous. With bantam cochins.. not so much. I haven't had a mean one in a couple of years and probably didn't do much about it cause it never worried me but, if it does, you gotta act. My main roo is an olive egger and he takes no slack from no chicken cause they know the wrath they would get for even attempting it. That same roo is nice as pie to me though cause he knows the wrath he'd get from me. Pecking orders are always being tested.
I have literally kicked Byron so hard I thought I killed him. He straightens out for 2-7 days and he's right back to the way he was. For about two months I fought with him and at least 3x I thought he was dead or going to die. He's just a very thick headed rooster. Brick would try to attack us as we fed until he got kicked like a football into a fence 10' away. My black rooster was sweet. Once he figured out what girls where, he changed. He and I are working on who's boss yet. I don't let him herd his girl away from me, instead I will grab him and hold him down until he doesn't move. He's in one of the little cages so no room to kick him. When Beakman flogged Devon, Devon kicked him away from him, caught him and I held him down until he wouldn't move. He didn't get up until I left the coop. He's been okay so far. I have a chocolate Orp that will test us sometimes. These are the 7-8lb "bantams" and because of the way the pen is, they come at your face - kids are armed with sticks. Shame to whack a $100 rooster (what I paid last year), but I won't tolerate it. My best roo is Dorian, my blue wheaten Ameraucana. He jumped on a girl in front of me once and he got kicked off her. He tried to challenge me right afterwards and he got kicked across the pen. He has never, never bothered me since. I can play with the girls in the pen, feed, water and collect eggs and I know I can turn my back on him with no problems. I've had him 1.5yrs. Why don't the bantams get it as easily as Dorian did? I have given up dealing with Byron. He's gotten better with me. If he sees me coming, he goes outside (bottom run of the pen) and doesn't bother me. Well, he tries to attack my feet through the wire. Kicking at the wire is as fruitless as him trying to attacking me through it. Occasionally I have to use the stick to remind him where he's supposed to be. If it's the kids near the pen, they have to use the stick and usually whack him with it once before he'll go down the ramp (he attacks the stick when they have it - today I had to push him down the ramp without having to hit him). Junior has made attempts to flog me. When I put Beakman in the coop with him before dividing everyone down, he was beating the crap out of Beakman. Well, I didn't kick him, but we had two rounds that day. He's starting to worry me again. I feel another lesson coming soon.
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Bridgette is back to 100%!

Change of plans again. The MFCs are going in a little over a week. I decided to tempt fate at the auction. I have 4 nasty roos, all are bantam Cochins and 3 are MFCs. I just don't want to deal with it. My nasty gander is going in my freezer, I have a mean roo to cull and Beakman, my mottled may go, too. He flogged the crap out of my son the other day. He was fine for 1.5yrs and now all of a sudden he's a compete *****. I love bantam Cochins, but so far, I am not thrilled with the boy's attitudes. Yeah, yeah... "They are supposed to be sweet". Haven't met a sweet one yet. As soon as they know what a female is and what they are supposed to do, the testicles impede their brains - just like men.

I just wish someone would have wanted them as a flock. So many nice birds...

My boys are not mean so far,,,, However I do have a pretty mean hen. I call her Bossy Betty. She spars with me and jumps up to nip my fingers! she is terrible but I love her! She will do this until I finally pick her up and fuss with her head and take her outside. sometimes as soon as I put her down she starts pecking my feet! She is too Funny!
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